Mediterranean Games

The Mediterranean Games, organised every four years, stand as the greatest sport event of the Mediterranean region, attracting the interest of the maritime countries (nations bordering the Mediterranean Sea), where Europe, Africa and Asia meet.

The Mediterranean Games, held under the auspices of the International Olympic Committee, fall within the competence of the Hellenic Olympic Committee, in terms of the preparation and composition of the National Delegation, precisely as for the Olympic Games.

Athens is the permanent seat of the ICMG (irrespective of who the President might be) and the Committee’s General Secretary is Greek.

The logo of the games, called also the “Mediterranean Olympics”, is composed of three white rings symbolically representing Africa, Asia, and Europe, the three continents that have coast on the Mediterranean Sea, reflecting themselves in the blue color of the sea.

In order to participate, all athletes must be entered by their National Olympic Committee. There are, at present, 26 countries invited to participate in the games:
In Africa: Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia
In Asia: Lebanon, Syria
In Europe: Albania, Andorra, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Kosovo, Malta, Monaco, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Portugal, San Marino, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Türkiye

The next edition of the Mediterranean Games will take place in Taranto (ITA) from 21 August - 03 September 2026 - Equestrian discipline(s) to be confirmed.

2026 20th Mediterranean Games, Taranto (ITA) - TBC
2022 19th Mediterranean Games, Oran (ALG) - Jumping
2018 18th Mediterranean Games, Tarragona (ESP) - Jumping
2013 17th Mediterranean Games, Mersin (TUR) - Jumping
2009 16th Mediterranean Games, Pescara (Italy) - Jumping
2005 15th Mediterranean Games, Almería (ESP) - Jumping
2001 14th Mediterranean Games, Tunis (TUN)
1997 13th Mediterranean Games, Bari (ITA) - Jumping
1993 12th Mediterranean Games, Agde (FRA) - Jumping
1991 11th Mediterranean Games, Athens (GRE) - Jumping
1987 10th Mediterranean Games, Latakia (SYR) - Jumping
1983 9th Mediterranean Games, Rabat (MAR) - Jumping
1979 8th Mediterranean Games, Split (CRO, YUG)
1975 7th Mediterranean Games, Algiers (ALG)
1971 6th Mediterranean Games, Izmir (TUR)
1967 5th Mediterranean Games, Tunis (TUN)
1963 4th Mediterranean Games, Naples (ITA)
1959 3rd Mediterranean Games, Beirut (LIB)
1955 2nd Mediterranean Games, Barcelona (ESP)
1951 1st Mediterranean Games, Alexandria (EGY)