Pan American Games

The Pan American Games are an Olympic-style competition for athletes from all nations of the Americas. They are conducted every four years, always one year before the Olympic Games. The first edition of the Pan American Games was held in 1951, in Buenos Aires. 

The Pan American Games are organised by the Organization Deportiva Panamericana (ODEPA). The Pan American Sport Organisation (PASO) is recognised by the International Olympic Committee (IOC). In order to participate, all athletes must be entered by their National Olympic Committee. There are 42 countries invited to participate in the Pan American Games. 

Equestrian sports first made an appearance at the Pan American Games in 1951. These are subject to FEI rules as far as all for technical aspects are concerned. The FEI ensures the technical control of all equestrian sports at the Pan American Games.

The complete list of Pan American Games Winners is available here.

Host Cities
2027 20th edition - Lima (PER) Jumping - Dressage - Eventing
2023 19th edition - Santiago (CHI) Jumping - Dressage - Eventing
2019 18th edition - Lima (PER) Jumping - Dressage - Eventing
2015 17th edition - Toronto (CAN) Jumping - Dressage - Eventing
2011 16th edition - Guadalajara (MEX) Jumping - Dressage - Eventing
2007 15th edition - Rio de Janeiro (BRA) & Campinas (BRA) Jumping - Dressage - Eventing & Endurance
2003 14th edition - Santo Domingo (DOM) Jumping - Dressage
1999 13th edition - Winnipeg (CAN) Jumping - Dressage - Eventing
1995 12th edition - Buenos Aires (ARG) & Mar del Plata (ARG) Jumping - Dressage - Eventing
1991 11th edition - Havana (CUB) Jumping - Dressage
1987 10th edition - Indianapolis (USA) Jumping - Dressage - Eventing
1983 9th edition -  Caracas (VEN) Jumping - Dressage
1979 8th edition - San Juan (PUR)  
1975 7th edition - Mexico City (MEX)  
1971 6th edition - Cali (COL)  
1967 5th edition - Winnipeg (CAN)  
1963 4th edition - São Paulo (BRA)  
1959 3rd edition - Chicago (USA)  
1955 2nd edition - Mexico City (MEX)  
1951 1st edition - Buenos Aires (ARG)