FEI Executive Board

The FEI Executive Board is a sub-committee of the FEI Board. It makes key decisions in areas such as strategy between meetings of the Board. The Executive Board has biweekly teleconferences and approximately four in-person meetings during the year.

The FEI Executive Board is composed of the President, the two (2) Vice Presidents, the Chair of the Athlete Committee, One (1) Board member from and representing EEF Regional Group or Regional Group IV, proposed by the President and elected by the Board, One (1) Board member from and representing Groups III, V, VI, VII, VIII, or IX, proposed by the President and elected by the Board and the Secretary General (without a vote). The latter two are nominated by the President and approved by the Board.

More information about the FEI Executive Board can be found in Chapter V of the FEI Statutes and in Chapter 4 of the Internal Regulations of the FEI.