Committee and Expert Groups

FEI Veterinary Committee

The FEI Veterinary Committee is made up of seven members. Committee members are elected by the FEI and apply via their National Federation for a four year term. 

The function of the Committee is to assist and support the Veterinary Department with Clean Sport and equine welfare policy-making, establish the Veterinary Regulations, advise on research projects and make proposals to the FEI Headquarters and Board on all aspects of equine welfare. Committee meetings are held twice a year and Committee members also participate in regular online meetings.

The Chair of the Veterinary Committee holds a position on the FEI Board and provides annual reports on the Committee’s work to National Federations at the FEI General Assembly.

The list of members of the FEI Veterinary Committee can be found here (you will be re-directed).

FEI List Group

The FEI List Group is made up of ten members and comprise treating veterinarians, veterinary pharmacologists, researchers and FEI Approved Laboratory Group representatives. The Group meets in person each year and holds regular online meetings otherwise.

The FEI List Group devised the ‘Equine Prohibited Substances List’ (EPSL). The Group reviews the EPSL on an annual basis in response to scientific advances and information available regarding the use of substances in horses. The review is carried out in conjunction with a consultation process with all National Federations. 

Members of the equestrian community are welcome to submit suggestions for changes to the EPSL. Further information can be found here.

FEI List Group Members

Dr Jennifer Hall (GBR) - Chair Dr Birgit Ranheim (NOR)
Dr Kent Allen (USA) - Deputy Chair Dr James Scarth (GBR)
Dr Ludovic Bailly-Chouriberry (FRA)  Dr Stephen Schumacher (USA)
Prof Ken Hinchcliffe (AUS) Dr Alberic Thery (UAE)
Dr Peter Kallings (SWE) Dr Emmanuelle van Erck Westergren (BEL)

FEI Laboratory Group

The FEI Laboratory Group is made up of the laboratory directors from each of the FEI’s five approved laboratories who meet on an annual basis. They review the screening limits for prohibited substances in response to scientific advances and suggest changes to the EPSL to the FEI List Group. Two of the FEI Laboratory Group members are also members of the FEI List Group.

FEI Laboratory Group Members

Dr Ludovic Bailly-Chouriberry (FRA) Dr Emmie Ho (HKG)
Dr John Keledjian (AUS) Dr Gary Leung (JPN)
Dr James Scarth (GBR)