FEI Equine Prohibited Substances List Expert Group

Suggest a Change

All members of the equestrian community are welcome to submit a suggested change to the Equine Prohibited Substances List.

The FEI List Group 

The FEI List Group formed the ‘Equine Prohibited Substances List’ (EPSL) which is reviewed by the Group on an annual basis in response to scientific advances and information available regarding the use of substances in horses. Further information concerning the structure of the FEI List Group can be found here.

The Equine Prohibited Substances List Review Process

The List review process is carried out on an annual basis and revisions are made in response to scientific advances and information available regarding the use of substances in horses.

The FEI List Group welcomes suggestions for change from all members of the equestrian community. Submissions must be received by the FEI Veterinary Department by March each year. The List Group consider the suggestions and present the proposed changes to the National Federations. Following the consultation process with National Federations, the FEI Board approves the proposed changes.

The new EPSL is published on the Clean Sport website 90 days before it becomes effective, usually on 1 January each year. 

A summary of the review process can be accessed in the library below.

Suggest a change to the FEI List Group

The EPSL can be accessed here.

If you would like to suggest a change to the FEI List Group, please download the 'Equine Prohibited Substances List Submission' form below. This form should be completed and sent as a PDF attachment to Caterina Termine before 1 February 2025 for evaluation during the 2025 review process. Submissions received after this date will be evaluated during 2026.

FEI Equine Prohibited Substances List Expert Group Library & References
The FEI Prohibited Substances List review process timeline Equine Prohibited Substances List submission form