FEI Competency-based Evaluation System (CES)

Welcome to the FEI Competency-based Evaluation System (CES) section, where you will find all information regarding the CES, its background, objectives, structure and current processes in place, as well as a comprehensive FAQ. Detailed information about the complete FEI Education System can be found here in the Discipline hubs on inside.fei.org.  
We invite you to attentively read all sections below. You can also watch our video explainer, designed to brief you without scrolling. Enjoy!

To navigate in this video and jump to a different chapter, click on the dots on the timeline. Please find below chapters with timing in order:
CES & Maintenance Basics @ 00:00
The CES Online Assessment: @ 02:10
The CES Maintenance Course: @ 05:00
The CES Officiating Review: @ 06:31