Muscat (cancelled) 09-13 November 2024

Dear National Federations,
Dear FEI Memorandum of Understanding Stakeholders,

The FEI has received a letter from the Oman Equestrian & Racing Federation informing us of their decision not to host the FEI General Assembly 2024. The decision was taken on the request of the Omani Government given the complex geopolitical situation in the Middle East and, in particular, the situation in Gaza.

While this is unfortunate, we understand and respect the decision of our colleagues from Oman.

The FEI is looking at all possible options for the organisation of the FEI General Assembly 2024 and we will keep you informed in due course.

Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused by this late cancellation and rest assured that an FEI General Assembly will be held in November as required by our regulations.

Thank you for your attention and kind understanding,
Yours sincerely,

Ingmar De Vos
FEI President