Welcome to the FEI General Assembly hub

About the FEI General Assembly
The General Assembly governs the overall direction, development and management of the FEI’s disciplines worldwide. Elections are held at the General Assembly and decisions are taken, by vote, on changes to FEI Statutes, long-term strategies, FEI budgets and important equestrian matters. Each National Federation has the right to cast a vote and for those unable to attend, they may request to be represented by another member Federation in order to cast a vote on their behalf.

Generally held in a different location every year, invitation and attendance to the FEI General Assembly is restricted to National Federations, stakeholders and guests.

However, anyone can follow the discussions, initiatives or projects presented at the General Assembly as the meeting itself is live streamed and all supporting documents such as annexes and agendas are publicly available since 2017 in line with the transparency principle defined by the Association of Sports Olympic International Federation (ASOIF).

Click on any of the years in the banner above to revisit the General Assembly of your choice.  

FEI General Assembly Policy 

The FEI General Assembly Policy has been approved by the FEI Board on 27 February 2024. This Policy sets out general governance and organisational principles as well as General Assembly participants’ rights and responsibilities applicable to the General Assembly and subject to the relevant FEI Rules and Regulations.