Please refer to the Veterinary Regulations, Chapter IX, Pony Measuring for full details concerning Regulatory Height, Pony Measuring at FEI Measuring Sessions, Ponies’ Presentation, Pony Measuring Procedure, Refusal to Measure, Extraordinary Measuring Sessions. In particular, the Veterinary Regulation Updates effective as from 1 January 2025.
In brief:
From 1 January 2023 - Full Implementation of new Pony Measuring System
FEI Ponies must be measured in at an FEI Measuring Session and be issued with an Interim or Lifetime Measuring Certificate in order to be allowed to take part in FEI Pony Competitions.
Ponies are administered by the NF under which they are registered (the Pony’s NF).
NEW - The Pony’s NF is responsible for registering the Pony at the selected Measuring Session and must check the eligibility of the pony to attend the pony measuring session (minimum 6 years of age, FEI registered, nationality of owner does not conflict with nationality of measuring vets, if measured out i.e. 3 times in total, lifetime measuring certificate already).
The Pony’s NFs must ensure that any Ponies having Measured Out at an FEI Measuring Session are not entered in any FEI Pony Events.
Ponies’ regulatory height at the withers must not exceed: 148cm without shoes (any measurement between 148.1cm and 148.9cm will be rounded down to 148.0cm); and 149cm with shoes (any measurement between 149.1cm and 149.9cm will be rounded down to 149.0cm).
If a Pony measures in and is 8 years old or older it will receive an FEI Lifetime Measuring Certificate, be registered as Pony in the FEI database, and be allowed to compete at FEI Pony Events.
If a Pony measures in and is between 6 and 8 years it will receive an FEI Interim Measuring Certificate, which is valid for 15 months.
If a Pony measures in and it is between 6 and 8 years and its height does not exceed 140cm without shoes (or does not exceed 141cm with shoes), it will receive an FEI Lifetime Measuring Certificate.
New - If a Pony measures less than 108cm and is between 6 and 8 years, it will receive an FEI Interim Measuring Certificate.
The Calendar of scheduled Measuring Sessions is published on the FEI Website. To register your Pony at a measuring session, please contact the Pony's NF. The National Federation is responsible for organising the Measuring Sessions.
If a Pony measures out the Pony’s NF is notified and it is blocked from entering in any FEI Pony Competition; and registered as a horse if required. It can be re-measured in total 2 times.
All ponies must be free of any substances included on the EPSL and EADCM samples may be taken during measuring sessions.
For any questions or concerns that you may have related to Pony Measuring, please do not hesitate to contact at the FEI Veterinary Department.
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