Veterinary Department Updates

  • 26 Jun 2024
    FEI Rules Revision 2024

    The Rules Revision Process 2024 is well underway with the first draft of the proposed changes now available to National Federations and Stakeholders for review and feedback by 21 August 2024 prior to being submitted to the FEI General Assembly for approval in November as per the timeline below: 
    1 March 2024
    National Federations and Stakeholders with whom the FEI has signed an MOU have the opportunity to propose Rules changes as per the FEI Periodical Rules Revision Policy.
    26 June 2024
    The FEI provides National Federations and Stakeholders with the first Draft of proposed Rules changes.

    The 1st Draft of proposed Rules changes Memos as well as the Templates to provide feedback by 21 August 2024 can be found here. ONLY proposals submitted online on the Rules Revision Platform using the respective Templates will be accepted.
    21 August 2024
    National Federations and Stakeholders are given eight weeks to review the first Draft and the proposed amendments in this first Draft and make comments and/or propose any changes in relation to the first Draft.
    16 October 2024
    Final Draft of the proposed Rules changes is provided to National Federations and Stakeholders.                                                                                  
    12 November 2024
    Rules Session at FEI General Assembly.
    13 November 2024
    Voting of Rules at the FEI General Assembly.

    For more information on the FEI Rules Revision processes and timelines, click here.

    If you have any questions please contact the FEI Director Governance & Institutional Affairs at

  • 13 Jun 2024
    Course for FEI Officials applications 2025

    The FEI Sports and Veterinary Departments would like to draw your attention to the application deadline to host FEI Transfer Up or CES (FEI Competency-based Evaluation System) Maintenance Courses in 2025.

    We kindly ask you to download the relevant application and budget forms, which can be accessed via the links provided below, and to send them to the FEI via the corresponding email address also provided below, no later than 31 July 2024.

    Discipline/Department Email Documents
    Para Dressage /fei/your-role/officials/para-dressage/ped-organise-course
    Driving & Para

    Should you have any questions regarding the administration of our courses, please contact the relevant FEI Discipline or Veterinary Department who will be able to assist you.

  • 6 Jun 2024
    NF News- FEI Equine Prohibited Substances List Group proposed changes

    The FEI Equine Prohibited Substances List Group - the sub-committee of the Veterinary Committee responsible for the FEI Equine Prohibited Substances List (EPSL) - has met to consider changes to the 2024 EPSL which can be found here. Any accepted changes will come into effect as of 1 January 2025, and are subject to consultation and review before their implementation.

    Please submit all comments regarding the proposed changes, together with a clear scientific reasoning, to Caterina Termine by Friday 26 July 2024. All comments received within this deadline will be considered by the FEI Equine Prohibited Substances List Group before finalising their conclusions.

  • 27 Mar 2024
    Last update of the FEI Tack, Equipment & Dress Database (FEI Tack App) before the Olympic & Paralympic Games in Paris 2024

    Please be informed that the next update of the FEI Tack, Equipment & Dress Database (FEI Tack App) will be released after the Easter holidays, on 8 April 2024.

    Further to feedback received from numerous Athletes and Officials, who are seeking clarity regarding the use of tack and equipment during the Olympic & Paralympic Games in Paris 2024, the FEI agreed that this would be the last update of the FEI Tack App prior to the Games. The temporary pause of updates to the FEI Tack App will be applied to all FEI Disciplines, including non-Olympic Disciplines.

    Following the conclusion of the Olympic & Paralympic Games in Paris 2024, the updates shall resume on every first Monday of the month, as per the usual process.

  • 28 Feb 2024
    FEI Veterinary Update

    Veterinary Rules Revision Video
    We are pleased to inform you that the Veterinary Regulations video explainer for 2024 is now available on FEI Campus.

    Equine Influenza Vaccination Intervals
    Since 1 January 2024, new equine influenza vaccination intervals were introduced concerning horses undergoing new primary courses. We would like to clarify the regulations that are applicable to horses that may not have completed their primary course or received their first booster. 
    Scenario 1
    A horse received V1 in December 2023 and is due to receive V2 in January 2024 or later.
    In this case, V2 may be given between 21-92 days of V1. 
    Scenario 2
    A horse received V1 and V2 in 2023 and was due to receive V3 in January 2024 or later.
    In this case, V3 should be given within 6 months and 21 days of V2 to comply with the new vaccination rules.

    FEI Equine Prohibited Substances List: call for suggestions by List Group
    The Equine Prohibited Substances List 2024, effective since 1 January 2024, is available in the FEI Anti-Doping Rules hub. The review process for changes to the Equine Prohibited Substances List 2024 is now underway and details regarding this process are explained on the dedicated page.
    In preparation of the List for 2025, we invite you to submit your suggestions for consideration by the List Group via the FEI Prohibited List Suggestions Form. Please submit any suggestions no later than 1 March 2024 for consideration during 2024.

    EADCM Sampling Kits
    We would like to remind you that since 1 January 2024, the FEI’s new Equine Anti-Doping and Controlled Medication sampling kits have been available for use at FEI events.  
    Up until 31 December 2024, existing supplies of Berlinger and Australian Racing sampling kits may still be used. 
    The new LockCon sampling kits are FEI-branded and are for use only at FEI events. They must not be used for sampling at national events, submitting elective testing samples or pre-purchase examinations.

    Key Event Requirements (KERs) System
    The FEI Key Event Requirements (KERs) System has been launched and covers all FEI events from 1 January 2024. 
    Fourteen (14) KERs that have been identified, cover aspects such as biosecurity, veterinary services, field of play and training provision, as well as multiple aspects of stable provision, including security, stable size, ventilation, fire precautions and stable cleanliness. For reference, please see FEI General Regulations Appendix L. 
    All KERs are covered by FEI rules, and the monitoring of their compliance is conducted by FEI Officials at Events. The Veterinary Online Report has been updated to reflect these changes and now includes questions that cover nine of these KERs. 
    The monitoring of the KERs will allow for a systematic follow up on non-compliances with the Organising Committees of the Events. 
    All information outlining the KERs, how they are monitored and followed-up on is available here.

    CES online assessment
    We kindly remind FEI Official Veterinarians of all levels to complete their CES online assessment before 31 March 2024 in order remain listed. 
    To do so, please log in on FEI Campus with your FEI ID number and password. Then click on your name and Dashboard and then on the “FEI Maintenance” title at the top of the page.

  • 20 Dec 2023
    FEI Veterinary Update

    Changes to the Veterinary Regulations
    We would like to remind you of the new rules regarding the vaccination of horses against equine influenza that will come into effect on 1 January 2024.
    Any horse receiving a new primary course as of 1 January 2024 must be vaccinated as follows:

    • V1 (initial vaccination)
    • V2 (second vaccination) must be administered 21-60days after V1
    • V3 (first booster) must be administered within 6months and 21days of V2 

    Further to these changes, the Veterinary Regulations have undergone a minor revision this year and the 2024 version of the Veterinary Regulations can be found here.

    Use of Duphalyte at FEI Events
    The FEI has been made aware that 500ml bottles of Duphalyte Solution for Injection (Zoetis) are being increasingly requested for use at FEI events. The product would be considered as an infusion with respect to the Veterinary Regulations, Article 1060.1. It is not necessary to give intravenous fluids simultaneously to satisfy Article 1060.4 in these cases.

    Changes to the FEI HorseApp
    In accordance with Article 1030.2 of the FEI Veterinary Regulations, the validity of the FEI Passport or FEI Recognition Card must be controlled during the Examination on Arrival. To assist with this process, information has been added to the Examination on Arrival screen on the FEI HorseApp displaying the validity status and date of validity with an easy colour code.
    This information is available to assist, however it remains the responsibility of the VC/VD to check the relevant passport information and validity sticker as per the FEI Veterinary Regulations.
    Click here for information regarding the use of the FEI HorseApp during the Examination on Arrival.

    FEI Fan Shop
    With Christmas just around the corner, many of you may still be out searching the perfect present. The FEI’s Fan Shop stocks a wide range of gifts, clothing collections and branded merchandise for all equestrian enthusiasts. Discover the FEI Fan Shop here.

    New EADCMP sampling kits
    We would like to provide you with additional information regarding the transition to new Equine Anti-Doping and Controlled Medication sampling kits.
    The new sampling kits are manufactured by LockCon. The FEI’s Central Laboratory will continue to supply testing kits to you and the sample collection procedure will remain unchanged. 
    The main changes to the sampling kits are summarised as follows:

    • The kits are FEI branded to help the laboratory identify which samples are from FEI events. We therefore request that these kits are not used at national events or for any other reason, to prevent confusion.
    • The kits include four bottles instead of three, where the four vacutainers that make up the ‘A’ sample will now be placed into a bottle instead of a security bag.
    • The bottles in which the urine ‘A’ and ‘B’ samples are poured are smaller and have to be filled to the 100ml mark which is indicated on the side of the bottle.
    • The bottles supplied in the kits feature a modernised and secure locking mechanism however they close and click shut in the same manner as the Berlinger kits.

    An updated version of the FEI Testing Veterinarian manual, explaining how to use the kits, is now available on the FEI website, here. Please log into the FEI website using your FEI ID and password to access the document.
    Before ordering the new LockCon kits, we request our community to finish using the supplies of Berlinger and Australian Racing sampling kits during 2024. The LockCon kits will however be available from the Central Laboratory from 1 January 2024.
    Berlinger and Australian Racing sampling kits will not be permitted for use at FEI events from 1 January 2025.

    CES Officiating Review & Education System (for OVs)
    We would like to remind all Officiating Veterinarians that the CES Officiating review, which is one of the 3 requirements for status maintenance, will start at the end of 2024. The minimum number of events for all Levels is 1 every 3 years. Please refer to the Education System for FEI Veterinarians for the type of events required for your Level.
    At the end of 2024, the FEI will look at the officiating records for the years 2024, 2023 and 2022. The veterinarians who have not had any activity in 2023 and 2022 are invited to officiate at minimum 1 event in 2024 in order to maintain their status. 
    The Officials’ Exchange Programme can be applied for if no officiating opportunity is available in your country.

    New Expense Claim & Payment Form (for OVs)
    There is a new Expense Claim & Payment Form for FEI Officials to be used as of 1 January 2024. From that date, former forms will not be accepted anymore. The new form is accessible here.

    FEI Christmas Card
    We would like to thank our FEI Veterinary community for all of their dedication and hard work in supporting our events in 2023. We wish you an enjoyable holiday season and a great start to the New Year. Please click here to see the video card.

  • 4 Dec 2023
    FEI Clean Sport - New EADCM Sampling Kits

    We would like to provide our community with additional information regarding the transition to new Equine Anti-Doping and Controlled Medication sampling kits manufactured by LockCon. The FEI’s Central Laboratory will continue to supply testing kits to FEI Official Veterinarians and the sample collection procedure will remain unchanged.

    The kits are FEI branded to help the laboratory identify which samples are from FEI events. We therefore request that these kits are not used at national events to prevent confusion. The kits include four bottles instead of three, where the A sample will now be placed into a bottle instead of a security bag, and the bottles feature a modernised and secure locking mechanism.

    Before ordering the new LockCon kits, we encourage our community to finish using the supplies of Berlinger and Australian Racing sampling kits during 2024.

    If you have any questions, please contact us on

  • 17 Nov 2023
    Campaign launch "Think OutsideThe Box  "

    We are pleased to inform you that the FEI will be launching a new campaign tomorrow called “Think Outside The Box” to raise awareness and provide solutions to minimise the risk of potential contamination and Equine Anti-Doping and Medication Controlled Regulations (EADMCR) violations, as well as potential health risks for horses, arising from certain behaviours and actions or lack-of in and around the stables.

    Initially created to attract the attention of the key stakeholders concerned by the EADMCRs ie riders, grooms and support personnel, and in a bid to inform and educate around contamination – often an unfortunate situation that could be avoided if the right precautions had been taken - the campaign was expanded to include general best-practice recommendations to make it relevant to the wider equestrian community and promote safety and wellbeing for horses, regardless of their competition status.

    A joint collaboration between the Education and Legal departments at the FEI, with very engaging and “shareable” content (you will be surprised by the video), we encourage all our stakeholders to join us in the promotion of this campaign so we can reach as many people as possible, and hopefully reduce contamination cases emanating from ill-informed behaviour, as well as providing the best practice recommendations to avoid contamination for horses out of competition and any potential health threats this might entail. 

    Dedicated Hub & Digital Assets To Download – English, French & Spanish
    We have created a dedicated portal - - available in three languages (English, French and Spanish) and have an array of digital assets which you can download and use on all your channels to proactively promote the campaign to you members, fans and followers. Download assets directly on #FEIThinkOutsideTheBox 

    They Support Us
    You will see on the portal, we have a section – They Support Us – where we have included the logos of all our Official Stakeholders, so please do let us know if you would like to be removed from this section, simply by contacting and alternatively if you are not included in this section, and would like to be featured, please also contact and let him know you would like to be added to that section with your logo.   

    Campaign Merchandising
    And finally, we have produced some bright and impactful merchandising for this campaign, which is available to all our “supporters” so please don’t to hesitate contact with the relevant delivery address and we will send you a pack of stickers, caps and tote bags with campaign branding. 

    We are also on the lookout for ambassadors – so if you would like to nominate/introduce us to potential ambassadors for the campaign, we are open to suggestions! 

    Please note all of the above is EMBARGOED until Friday 17 November 20:00 CET when the campaign is officially launched. We kindly ask that you refrain from posting any information, assets, visual, etc until 16:00 on Friday unless reposting from FEI channels.  


  • 30 Aug 2023
    FEI Board Resolutions, 29 August 2023 - Veterinary

    The FEI Board held a teleconference on 29 August. The main resolutions taken on this occasion are listed below.


    FEI Equine Prohibited Substance List- proposed changes
    The Board approved the proposed changes to the FEI Equine Prohibited Substance List. It was clarified that cannabidiol is not a Banned Substance, but is listed as Controlled Medication (Specified Substance).
    The list will be effective as of 1 January 2024 and will be published here.

    Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games

    Paralympic Games Appointment of the Assistant Technical Delegate
    The Board approved the appointment of Hanneke Gerritsen (NED) as Assistant Technical Delegate for the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games.
    The list of Officials for the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games appointed to date will be published here.

    FEI Annual Report 2022
    The Board approved the FEI Annual Report 2022. The Annual Report will be published online here in the coming days.

  • 25 Jul 2023
    National Head Veterinarian Conference, February 2024

    The FEI Veterinary Department, FEI Solidarity Department and Turkish Equestrian Federation are pleased to invite all National Head Veterinarians to attend the NHV Conference to be held at the Olympic House, Istanbul (TUR) on 1-4 February 2024.

    National Head Veterinarians (NHV) play an essential role within the FEI network, being the primary reference to the Veterinary Department, national veterinary authorities and national equine veterinarians. They are responsible for distributing information received from the FEI, their government or other official bodies, recruiting new FEI Veterinarians, coordinating courses and overseeing promotions, contributing to the anti-doping programme and providing feedback and suggestions to the Veterinary Department on regulatory changes, prohibited substances and any other veterinary matters.

    The NHV Conference will be a good opportunity for the National Head Veterinarians to interact with their counterparts and the Veterinary Department, address problematic issues and find common solutions for the betterment of equestrian sport and further promotion of horse welfare.

    National Federations are highly encouraged to support and arrange the participation of their NHV in the conference. Delegates must be registered using the attached Registration Form, by 30 September 2023 at the latest.

    Participants are expected to arrive on Thursday, 1 February and attend the welcome reception, which will be followed by 3 days of full programme ending no later than 16:00 on Sunday, 4 February 2024. The detailed programme will be sent to the participants after the closing date of registration. The FEI will cover the room and full board for one delegate per National Federation for the duration of the conference (4 nights).

    Anne Saez ( will be available to answer enquires and provide further details.

    We look forward to meeting your NHV in Istanbul!

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