Driving Organisers Toolbox


FEI Driving Organisers toolbox

This Organisers Toolbox is a page referencing all useful Guidelines and materials needed to plan and organise a successful FEI Driving Event.

It has been created to give examples and templates of indispensable documents and information.

Further general information and guidance for organisers of equestrian events can be found in the FEI Knowledgebase Event Organisers Guide.


The Toolbox is separated into 3 main sections :

  1. FEI Guidelines for Driving Events
  2. Administration
  3. Competition documents

1. FEI Guidelines for Driving Events

The FEI Guidelines for Driving Events is the foundation of the organisation of a Driving Event and is available at this page.

Please also always refer to the FEI Driving Rules, available at this page.

2. Administration

Organisers Checklist

This checklist refers to a few templates available below.

Declaration Forms

- Declaration Horses & Participating Support Personnel (Grooms)

The Declaration Forms must be filled by the Athletes or Chef d'Equipe prior to the start of the competition.

Horse Inspection running order template

Championships & CAIOs:

Night Control Sheet template

Declaration National Teams template

Starting order example and explication


Results processing

We remind you that results must be sent at the latest two days after the completion of the Event. Please refer to this page for further information.


3. Competition Documents


Dressage protocols

Dressage control sheet for Judges template


Judges & volunteers positions template

Green Card template

Obstacle score sheet template

Obstacle observer sheet template

Marathon control sheet template

Cool down times sheet template


Cones score sheet template

Judges & volunteers positions template