FEI Clean Sport

Download the FEI Clean Sport App now!



The application features similar functionalities to the website with a design that prioritises mobile devices.

The purpose of the FEI CleanSport Prohibited Substances Database is to make a clear distinction between the use of routine, legitimate medication and deliberate and calculated doping to affect a horse’s performance; the FEI has published Guidelines to assist treating and team veterinarians.

Inappropriate use of substances is also a threat to the health and welfare of the horse. The purpose of this database is to help you identify prohibited substances under FEI Regulations. Information such as a substance definition, common usage, and common trade names are available.

You must be aware that the list of trade names is not exhaustive, but it reflects the most common trade names in various countries. The trade names used may be different in your country. Therefore it is imperative you always use the database to check for active substances rather than trade names. Although FEI has taken all reasonable care that the information contained within the Website and application is accurate at the time of publication, no representation or guarantee (including liability towards third parties), expressed or implied, is made as to its accuracy, reliability or completeness.

Comprehensive information about the FEI Clean Sport program for human athletes (including the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA)’s List of Prohibited Substances & Methods) can be found at this link.