Application Process

Our online application system is now live and accessible directly through the FEI Solidarity Online Catalogue. Please note that only the Secretary General of each National Federation member of the FEI has the authorisation to access and submit applications using his or her FEI ID. If you have any questions regarding your FEI ID, please contact

Only online applications will be accepted! National Federations, Regional Groups and Equestrian Continental Associations can have maximum three (3) FEI Solidarity Projects running at the same time.

Step by Step – Online Application


Navigate through the FEI Solidarity Online Catalogue and select the project of your interest. Review the description and conditions provided.



Click on the "Apply Now" button and if required select the relevant discipline associated to the project and log into the application system using your FEI ID. Please remember that access is restricted to Secretary Generals only. If you have any questions regarding your FEI ID, please contact



Complete the online form with the required details. You have the option to save your progress if you need to gather or verify information before you finalise the form at a later time. Once all fields are completed, submit the form. You will receive a confirmation email once your application has been successfully submitted!


Process Timeline and Deadlines

From this point forward, only online applications will be accepted with a submission deadline on 01 July for projects taking place the following year. Please note that some projects are not concerned by this deadline and are open for application throughout the year. These projects are:

  • Biosecurity Education Programme
  • National Federation's IT Platform
  • Scholarships for Practicing Equine Veterinarians
  • Technical Courses for Coaches

Revisions and Notifications:
After the revision by the FEI Solidarity Department and Committee, a notification will be sent to the National Federation to inform them whether each project has been accepted or declined. This notification letter will be sent in October.

Financing procedure for projects:
The year of activity is defined as 01 January to 31 December. The “Letter of Agreement” must be signed by 31 December of the year preceding the year of the project start date. The first payment will occur upon receipt of the signed "Letter of Agreement" between the National Federation and the FEI and the activity plan fully completed, mentioning the dates of the event/training/workshop/course, etc. For short and long-term projects (2-4 years), subsequent payments will be made upon receipt of the year 1 activity and financial reports by 31 December (refer to the Evaluation Form), and similarly for year 3 and 4 payments, if applicable.

At the end of each project year, FEI Solidarity must receive an activity report and financial statement referred to as the Evaluation Form. Only National Federations that submit their financial report by the deadline of 31 December will be considered for future financial assistance. FEI Solidarity reserves the right to follow up on the project and request reports and/or supporting documents, such as proof of payment made by the National Federation to relevant beneficiaries. If a National Federation is unable to carry out a project for which it has received assistance, it must inform the FEI Solidarity Department immediately!

  • For one-time projects (duration 1 year): At the end of the project, the National Federation must provide FEI Solidarity with an activity report and financial statement (Evaluation form).
  • For short-term and long-term projects (duration 2-4 years): At the end of each year, the National Federation (or continental association) must provide FEI Solidarity with an activity report and financial statement (Evaluation form).

Evaluation Form can be downloaded HERE.

If you have any inquiries or require assistance, please don't hesitate to contact Céline Starbanov via email: