Over 70 participants representing 23 National Federations attended the FEI Para Equestrian Forum 2019 in Lamotte-Beuvron (FRA) from 25-26 May, where a number of key topics were presented, discussed and debated.
The Forum, which was hosted by the Fédération Francaise d’Equitation (FFE), was opened by their Secretary General Frédéric Bouix followed by Paralympic athlete Rodolpho Riskalla from Brazil, setting the scene and tone for productive discussions and meetings throughout the weekend.
Moderated by FEI Para Equestrian Committee Chair Amanda Bond, some of the key topics explored during the Forum were: Classification and the FEI’s Classification Research Project; Tokyo 2020 preparations and climate mitigation; Athlete Welfare and Safeguarding; Coaching from grass roots to International level; Compensating Aids; Para Driving; and an update on FEI Education for Officials. Interactive workshops on the FEI Competition structure, the development of the sport at all levels, in new nations and specifically for the youth demographic were also held.
For more information about the forum please click here.
Dear Driving Organisers, Dear Driving Officials,
Please be informed that the Driving Events Guidelines for Organisers and Officials have been updated.
The update includes information and requirements on Scoring Offices (SO) and on the requirements needed to organise additional competitions simultaneously with CAIs or CAIOs.
As you know, the Driving Events Guidelines for Organisers and Officials contains all the useful information and documents in order to help you organise a successful Driving Event.
You can find the above mentioned document at this link.
Dear Driving community,
The Driving department is happy to inform that a presentation on Driving Statistics is available here.
Through this presentation, you will learn useful information on the evolution of the discipline from 2012 to 2018.
1. WEG 2014 Caen (FRA)
2. CH-EU-A 4 2017 Göteborg (SWE)
3. CAIO4* H4 2017 Aachen (GER)
4. CAIO4* H2 2017 Pau (FRA)
Dear Athletes, Dear FEI Officials,
The FEI Driving World CupTM Rules, article 6.3, have been updated with immediate effect.
The complete rules can be found here: https://inside.fei.org/fei/regulations/driving
Should you have any question, do not hesitate to contact Aude Barby at aude.barby@fei.org
Dear National Federations and Officials,
The Driving Department is pleased to advise the latest changes in the administration of Driving Courses for FEI Officials. Please find all the documentation related to the new courses here.
The new system will be implemented in 2020.
Should you have any question regarding the new administration of Driving courses, please contact Anna Orgeas at anna.orgeas@fei.org
Dear Officials,
Please note that the age limit system will be replaced by a competency based evaluation system, as per the recommendation of the Officials Working Group.
FEI Officials reaching the relevant age limit as of 2018 may apply to continue officiating providing they have been active for the past two years, their application is supported by their National Federation and they are in good-standing with the FEI.
The FEI Secretary General, in consultation with the relevant Discipline Director and Chair of Technical Committee, will review applications on a case by case basis. FEI Officials who retired in 2017 or before may only re-apply once the competency-based assessment has been implemented.
Should you need more information, please do not hesitate to contact Anna Orgeas at anna.orgeas@fei.org
Dear Officials, Drivers and Organisers,
As you may know, for this Driving World CupTM season, the President of the Ground Jury can also act as the Technical Delegate.
You will find the PGJ acting as TD - Duties description here, along with all the other useful documents regarding the FEI Driving World CupTM.
Should you have any question, do not hesitate to contact Laurianne Noble (laurianne.noble@fei.org) or Aude Barby (aude.barby@fei.org).
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