Department updates in Main Driving

  • 28 Jun 2022
    FEI Driving Dressage Tests - Children and U25

    Please be informed that the FEI has published the new Dressage test for Children that will be applicable from 01.01.2023. The current Children dressage test remains applicable for the upcoming 2022 FEI Driving European Youth Championship.
    The FEI has also updated the U25 CAI3* A HP1 – HP2 Dressage test in order to accommodate the 80x40m arena. The modifications are visible in red. This test will be applicable for the aforementioned Championship, as published in the qualification criteria.

    All the dressage tests are published at this page.
    Should you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact us at


  • 22 Mar 2022
    FEI Driven Dressage Tests 3*HP-HP4

    Please note that the FEI Driven Dressage Test 3*HP2-HP4 has been amended.

    The modifications are indicated in red. The tests can be found at this page.

  • 1 Mar 2022
    3* Qualification - Qualifying results

    Please be informed that the FEI has decided to allow results in 2021 CAIY2* (CAI2* Young Drivers) events and the 2021 FEI Driving European Championship for Young Drivers to count for qualification as a 3* Athlete.

    This decision reflects the newly implemented Rule in Art. 913, which allows CAI U25 2* and CH-EU-U25 results to count as qualifying result in order to achieve 3* Level as an Athlete.

    The FEI Database has been updated to reflect this decision.

  • 1 Mar 2022
    FEI Driving Guidelines on Use of Tack, Equipment and Dress / FEI Guidelines for Driving Events

    Dear FEI Driving Community,

    Please be informed that a new version of the FEI Driving Guidelines on Use of Tack, Equipment and Dress, with updates highlighted in red, is available on the FEI website here.

    A new version of the FEI Guidelines for Driving Events is also available at the same page.

  • 21 Feb 2022
    FEI Driving World CupTM Rules - Season 2022/2023

    Please be informed that modifications to the FEI Driving World Cup™ series rules have been approved by the FEI Board.
    The FEI Driving World CupTM  Rules for the 2022-2023 season can be consulted here.

    Should you have any question, do not hesitate to contact Aude Barby (

  • 17 Feb 2022
    In Memoriam: FEI Driving community mourns Gerhard Dittus (GER), 1942-2022

    In Memoriam: FEI Driving community mourns Gerhard Dittus (GER), 1942-2022

    One of the oldest Official FEI Veterinarian passed away on 13th. February, 2022, MVDR Gerhard Dittus. His passion was treating horses, and working as an FEI Official Vet in Jumping, Driving and Eventing. He was appointed for many years at the CSIO St. Gallen, Budapest, and as delegate on several European Championships in Driving and Eventing. He was also Veterinarian on Palio Sienna in Italy. He liked to come on shows in Eastern-Europe, mostly Poland and Hungary, and with his enthusiasm he educated a new generation of official vets in these countries. His home was always open for his friends, where they would enjoy his and his wife’s hospitality.

    We will miss his kind, humorous, open personality for a long time.

    He was 79 years old.

    The FEI expresses its sincere condolences to Gerhard Dittus’ family and friends, the German Equestrian Federation (GER) and the global equestrian community.

  • 16 Feb 2022
    FEI Driven Dressage Tests 2*HP2-HP4 and 3*HP-HP4

    Please note that the FEI Driven Dressage Tests 2*HP2-HP4 and 3*HP-HP4 have been amended in order to clarify some misunderstandings that have arisen.

    The modifications are indicated in red. The tests can be found at this page.

    Kindly note that the Dressage Test 2*HP2-HP4 is now applicable for the Horse Four-in-Hand class.


  • 20 Jan 2022
    FEI Driving World CupTM Season 2021/2022 - Access to the final

    Please be informed that, following the unfortunate cancellation of the CAI-W Leg in Bordeaux (FRA), the season has now been reduced to 4 legs.

    Therefore, as per the communication sent on 16.12.2022 regarding the FEI Board resolution, only one result may count towards the qualification for the Final.

    The FEI Driving World CupTM Standings have been calculated accordingly and reflect the final ranking. The 6 Qualified Drivers have therefore been selected as per the ranking.

    Ties have been broken as per Art. 1.4. “In the event that two or more Athletes are placed in 6th position, having equal points, the available position in the Final will be given to the Athlete with the highest number of first places achieved at the FEI World Cup™ Legs. If the Athletes are still tied with equal first places then the number of second places where the Athletes received World Cup points will decide, and so on until the tie is broken.”

    As only one result counts, there are two ties remaining, respectively for the 1st and 2nd rank, as well as for the 4th and 5th rank. These ties will be broken during the draw in the Final, as per Art. 6.1 and 6.1.1:

    “6.1. In the Final, Competition 1 is comprised of one round and, subject to Rule 3.7 will be run in reverse order of the standings after Phase 1 (Legs)

    6.1.1 Should there be a tie, the starting order of the tied Athletes will be decided by draw. The draw will be done by the PGJ.”


  • 20 Jan 2022
    FEI Driving Guidelines on Use of Tack, Equipment and Dress

    Der FEI Driving Community,

    Please be informed that a new version of the FEI Driving Guidelines on Use of Tack, Equipment and Dress, with updates highlighted in red, is available on the FEI website here.


  • 20 Dec 2021
    Update regarding FEI Driving & Para Driving Rules and the Driven Dressage Test 3*HP2-HP4

    We would like to draw your attention to the following clarifications and updates regarding the FEI Driving & Para Driving Rules and the Driven Dressage Test 3*HP2-HP4. 

    1. FEI Driving & Para Driving Rules Clarifications, 12th Edition, effective 01 January 2022
    During the FEI Hybrid General Assembly 2021 in Antwerp, the FEI in consultation with several National Federations, introduced some changes to the proposed Rules Changes presented in the Annexes. In order to inform the FEI Driving community of the reasoning of these changes, an explanatory document has been published containing clarifications on the following Articles:

    • Article 901.11: Trial of New Scoring System      
    • Article 913: Minimum Eligibility Requirements / Qualification criteria
    • Article 935.3: In-Harness Horse Inspection       
    • Article 936: Permitted Carriages   
    • Article 937: Weights and Dimensions     
    • Article 940: Harness, carriage and Horses         
    • Article 948: Starting Order
    • Article 950: The Arena      
    • Article 958: Classification  
    • Article 960: The Course     

    Please refer to the FEI Rules Driving Hub for the Clarifications Document.

    2. FEI Driven Dressage Test - Test 3*HP2-HP4
    Following the publication of the new 3* Dressage tests for Pair and Four-In-Hand Horses and Ponies, to be implemented on 1 January 2022 without the canter figure and in 2023 with the canter figure (only for Pairs), the FEI Driving Technical Committee, upon further discussion and feedback from the Driving community, has unanimously decided to withdraw the introduction of canter for Pairs at this time.

    As such, a 3rd version of the test has been created and is now published here. This 3rd version test replaces both the 2022 and 2023 tests and will be applicable for Pair Horse, Pair Pony and Four-In-Hand Pony classes as of 1 January 2022, and for the Four-in-Hand Horse class as of 01 January 2023.

    The 3rd version modifies the gaits of two figures within the tests to a medium trot and stretch of the frame and thus provides a sufficient level of difficulty for the time. In the future, the FEI Driving Technical Committee unanimously feels that introducing the canter in the Dressage Test for Pair is important for the development of the sport and aligns with the aim to further improve the Drivers and Horses skills. Additionally, it provides a true distinction between Higher and Lower-level events.

    Should you have any questions regarding the Dressage tests or the Clarifications to the FEI Driving & Para Driving Rules Clarifications, 12th Edition, effective 01 January 2022, please do not hesitate to contact the FEI Driving Department.

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