The CES Online Assessment is an annual requirement taken by every Official, every year, online on the FEI Campus platform. Officials holding multiple functions have to take multiple assessments.

Rules of the CES Online Assessment
Accessible online during the entire Maintenance Year, from 16 December and until 15 December
Must be taken and “passed” to officiate after 31 March.
If not, the function will be placed  ON HOLD*, until the CES Online Assessment is taken and “passed”
*Officiating at International Events while the function is on hold may result in the opening of disciplinary proceedings and potential sanctions (GRs Art.163)
Must be taken every year before the deadline of 15 December. If not taken in time, the function will be CLOSED and the Official will have to re-enter the system
Must be personally taken by the Official. Not complying may result in the opening of disciplinary proceedings and potential sanctions (GRs Art.163)


Results & Consequences of the CES Online Assessment
The Function is extended immediately until 31 March of the next Maintenance Year
The Official must attend a CES Interview Assessment
> Passed CES Interview Assessment
The Function is extended immediately until 31 March of the next Maintenance Year
> Not passed CES Interview Assessment
The function is transferred down* to the next lower level and extended until 31 March of the next Maintenance Year
*If the function is at Level 1, the function will be CLOSED