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Monday 8 May 2013

Olympic Games & Paralympics Qualification Forum
Qualification System Proposal (updated 18 March 2013)
Executive Summary (published 25 April 2013)
Presented by Ingmar de Vos, FEI Secretary GeneralCatrin Norinder, FEI OG & Eventing Director, Mikael Rentsch, FEI Senior Legal Counsel
Presented by Christophe Dubi (SUI), IOC Sports Director & Deputy Olympic Games Executive Director
Dual Career: training athletes for the workplace
Agenda (updated 5 April 2013)
Executive Summary (published 25 April 2013)
Presented by Harald Müller, FEI Executive Director Education & Standards
Presented by Claudia Bokel (GER/NED), Chair of the IOC Athletes'Commission, Member of the IOC Executive Board
Presented by Sergei Aschwanden (SUI), Olympic medal-winning judoka, Technical Director Mikami Judo Club, Lausanne
International Movement of Competition Horses
FEI and OIE action plan for sport horses
Roadmap for change
Executive Summary (published 25 April 2013)
Trends in growth of Equestrian Sport presented by Graeme Cooke, FEI Veterinary Director
General Trade principles presented by Susanne Münstermann (GER), Chargée de Mission OIE
Current situation regarding horse movement and principles for improvement presented by Graeme Cooke
Regulations for horse movement in the EU presented by Alf-Eckbert Füssel (GER), Deputy Head of Unit, European Commission Health and Consumers Directorate-General
OIE Strategy for movement facilitation presented by Susanne Münstermann
Final panel discussion presented by Graeme Cooke

Tuesday 9 April 2013

The Online Platform is now closed in order to allow the Technical Committees to consider the feedback received for which the FEI thank you all.

All comments and replies to the below Discussions can be consulted  (click on the title to open the pdf document):