Session 5: Safeguarding – What NFs need to know

Session 5: Safeguarding - What NFs need to know
Tuesday, 30 April, 13:30 – 14:30

Session 5: Safeguarding - what NFs need to know
Session five of the FEI Sports Forum 2024 was dedicated to raising awareness among National Federations (NFs) and Stakeholders on the importance of safeguarding and to provide key tools to NFs that have yet to take action on this delicate but crucial topic.

Harassment and abuse can be experienced in all spheres, including sport, and with millions of people participating in sports on a daily basis, we have a collective responsibility to ensure the safety of everybody involved.

Guest speaker and FEI Safeguarding advisor, Lucy Trochet, made it clear that everyone can take action and that everyone should take action. Safeguarding is crucial for several reasons, the main one being to keep athletes and participants safe and to ensure they have a positive experience in sport, so that they will want to stay in the sport. Safeguarding contributes to maintaining the popularity of a sport, and also mitigates reputational risks which could lead to the loss of sponsors.

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has been working on safe sport for over two decades and has put in place measures to help create a safe sport environment, including the IOC Consensus Statements and the requirement for all sports organisations in the Olympic movement to implement safeguarding policies.

The FEI was the first International Federations (IF) to create a safeguarding policy, which came into effect in 2019. The FEI’s Safeguarding Policy is led by a small group working on a case-by-case basis, ensuring the integrity of all parties involved is protected at all times. Having gathered a certain amount of experience and confidence, the FEI is encouraging and supporting NFs to take the first steps to action as they play a crucial role in safeguarding in their own countries.

Aine Power, FEI Deputy Legal Director, gave a short overview of the FEI’s safeguarding activities and highlighted the risk-based approach that the FEI has recently incorporated in its policies, helping the FEI Safeguarding Team to effectively filter cases and ensure that resources are directed appropriately.

Belen Flores Trelis of the Spanish National Federation shared the perspective and experience of her NF in establishing its own safeguarding mechanisms and how the requirements of national legislation were a driving force in getting started.  

To help with the set-up and development of an NF Safeguarding Policy and the reporting mechanisms, Lucy Trochet provided a list of key steps and recommendations for NFs. Safeguarding leadership and the prioritisation of resources particularly stood out. She highlighted that those working in safeguarding need to be both competent and comfortable in dealing with the sensitive issues they are presented with.

The Hong Kong Equestrian Federation shared a video presentation of its safeguarding journey and emphasised the value of relying on and adapting existing resources and templates when putting safeguarding structures in place.

Lucy Trochet encouraged NFs to refer back to the FEI Safeguarding Policy against Harassment and Abuse on the FEI website and to look for already existing templates that can be adapted to their needs. An NF Template Policy and Report Form will also be made available by the FEI to facilitate the process. Lastly, Lucy Trochet highlighted the importance of education and an effective communication strategy to spread the message and raise awareness. NFs were reminded that the FEI will hold Safeguarding Webinars on 23 May at 09h and 16h CEST. Further details on how to join will be circulated in the coming weeks.

Panellist & Moderator
Lucy Trochet - FEI Safeguarding Advisor