Department updates in Main Para Dressage

  • 23 Mar 2017
    Para Equestrian: REMINDER - FEI Classification Management from January 2017

    1. New Athletes requiring FEI Classification for the first time -  must apply through their NF to the FEI by completing the FEI Classification Request Form

    The Classification request must be made by the Athlete’s NF and include:

    • The FEI Classification Request Form, completed legibly and in English;
    • FEI Consent for Classification Form completed in full and signed by the Athlete
    • FEI Certificate of Diagnosis completed in full and signed by the Athlete and by a medical doctor. Any additional medical documentation that demonstrates the athlete’s impairment should be included.  All documentation provided must be in English and forms must be signed by all concern parties.

    The Classification request must be received by the FEI at least six (6) weeks before the next international competition where the athlete intends to compete.

    The Organising Committee for the international competition where the athlete will be evaluated will charge a non-refundable fee of 40 EUR or equivalent at the time of entry.

    2. Athletes who are FEI Classified and listed on the FEI Classification Master List with a status of Review (R)

    • if a fixed review date is listed on the Master List, Athletes should be reviewed at a competition as close as practicable to the date listed.
    • if no fixed review date the athlete should be Reviewed at the next opportunity
    • in both of the above, the NF should ensure the Organiser of the competition is aware the Athlete needs Review. The Chief Classifier for the competition will schedule a time for the Athlete to be Reviewed.
    • The Athlete and the NF do not need to contact the FEI or submit any documentation prior to the Review. In some instances and only if required, the Chief Classifier may request further medical documentation from the Athlete to assist in allocating a Grade after the Review.

    3.  Athletes listed on the FEI Classification Master List with a status of Confirmed or Review with a fixed review date requesting a Review because their impairment and activity limitations are no longer consistent with their current Grade must apply through their NF to the FEI by completing a Medical Review Request form.

    1. A medical review request is to be submitted if:An athlete’s relevant impairment or activity limitation has become less severe, either through medical intervention or other means. Examples of such interventions include, but are not limited to Botox injections to reduce hypertonia or to increase the active range of movement, tendon releases, joint fixations to assist posture/stability, or corrective eye surgery; or if
    2. An athlete’s impairment is progressive and has deteriorated to an extent that the athlete most likely does not fit his/ her current Grade (sport class) anymore.

    Making a Medical Review Request

    The medical review request must be made by the Athlete’s NF and include:

    • this medical review request form, completed legibly and in English;
    • attached medical documentation that demonstrates that the athlete’s impairment
    • changed after the last athlete evaluation the athlete attended; and the medical review request must be received by the FEI at least 6 weeks before the next international competition where the athlete intends to compete.
    • The Organising Committee for the international competition where the athlete will be evaluated will charge a non-refundable fee of 40 EUR or equivalent at the time of entry.

    All necessary information and relevant forms can be found published here and all request must be sent to the FEI HQ.

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