FEI Database



Each National Federation member has their own profile on the FEI Database with a personal FEI ID. Each NF member* has their relevant NF Member function on their profile with specific access. With your FEI ID, you will be able to log in to the various FEI platforms and mobile applications. Depending on the access you have and the group you belong to (NF Member, Official, Athlete, etc...) you will have access to different information.

NF Members are managed by the member within your National Federation who has NF User Admin access on the FEI Database.

Useful guidelines on how to manage the NF Members' profile on the FEI Database can be found here.

*A person who is employed by or works for your National Federation, e.g. Secretary General, Admin Officer, etc.

FEI Database

The FEI Database is the central part of all the FEI IT Platforms and mobile applications. Everything is linked to the FEI Database and all information used and displayed on all our IT platforms and mobile applications comes from this central platform.

I. What can you find on the FEI Database?

FEI ID numbers

You can find the profile with the FEI ID of all the Persons registered on the FEI Database here and the profile with the FEI ID of all the Horses here.

Athletes' profiles

Athlete Information, Annual registrations, Results, Qualifications

Horses' profiles

Horse Information, Annual registrations, Results, Qualifications, Pedigree, Passports & Documents

FEI Calendar

You can find all the FEI Events on the FEI Calendar here.

On the Show/Event page, you will find the Event details, lists of FEI Officials, schedules, competitions and results.


All the results of every FEI Event is available on the FEI Database.

Search for the relevant Event on the FEI Calendar and find the results on the Event page.


All the rankings for each discipline are available here.

NF Pages

Each National Federation has their own NF Page. Find them all here.

The list of the National Federation Members on each NF Page is linked to the open NF Function on the profile of each member.

II. Athletes & Persons

To understand the difference of each group of people on the FEI Database, here is a list of the main ones:

Athlete: A person taking part in an FEI Event, such as a rider, lunger, driver or vaulter.

Click here to find step-by-step guidelines on how to create a profile for an Athlete, register an Athlete, etc...

Trainer: The person in charge of the preparation of the Horse both physically and mentally for Endurance competition.

Please note that the trainers registered on the FEI Database are only Horse's trainer for the discipline of Endurance.

Click here to see how to add/chamge an Endurance Trainer for a Horse on the FEI Database.

NF Member: A person who is employed by or works for your National Federation, e.g., Secretary General, Admin Officer, etc... This is not for example an Athlete member of your National Federation. It is only a person who works for the National Federation.

Click here to find step-by-step guidelines related to the management of your NF Members' profile.

Official: A person appointed by the FEI or by an OC and/or NF to perform a specifically defined officiating duty, on site, at an FEI Event.

Click here to see how to create an Official on the FEI Database.

Owner: Person or entity having a property interest in whole or in part of one or more Horses.

Click here to find step-by-step guidelines on how to create a new Ownership with a new person, with an existing person, etc...

III. Horses

There are many different aspects linked with the Horses on the FEI Database:

New Horses: All Horses must have a profile with an FEI ID on the FEI Database.

Click here to see how to create a profile for a Horse.

Registrations: In accordance with Art. 113 of the FEI General Regulations, all Athletes and Horses must be annually registered with the FEI to compete at an FEI Event. 

Click here to see how to register a Horse for a discipline.

National Passports: Find the list of all the National Passports and Identification Documents approved by the FEI here. Further information can be found here.

FEI Recognition Cards: A FEI Recognition Card is required if the Horse is going to compete outside of its country of residence or in a higher level Event and has an FEI Approved National Passport. Click here to see how to issue a FEI Recognition Card.

In accordance with Art. 1001 of the FEI Veterinary Regulations, all FEI documents need to be revalidated every 4 years. Click here to see how to revalidate a FEI Document.

FEI Passports: If a Horse does not have a National Passport that is approved by the FEI and only if the Horse is administered by a country outside of the EU, as specified in Art. 137 of the FEI General Regulations, a FEI Passport can be issued. Click here to see how to issue a FEI Passport.

In accordance with Art. 1001 of the FEI Veterinary Regulations, all FEI documents need to be revalidated every 4 years. Click here to see how to revalidate a FEI Document.

Microchips: From 1 January 2013, all Horses that are undergoing a registration with the FEI for the first time must be microchipped. Click here to see how to change a microchip number for a Horse on the FEI Database. Find out more information about microchips here.

Horse Names: The birth name entered on the FEI Database is the one printed in the document issued at Horse birth. It is possible to change the current name of a Horse. Click here to see how to change a Horse Name on the FEI Database.

Duplicate documents: If a FEI Passport or FEI Recognition Card is lost, full or stolen, a duplicate FEI document can be issued. Click to see how to issue a duplicate FEI Passport or a duplicate FEI Recognition Card

Horse Pedigrees: The Pedigree Management page on the FEI Database will allow for the creation of a Horse's ancestry through visual family trees, which will link Horses who are born to the same Sire or Dam. Click to see how to create or update a Horse's pedigree on the Horse Detail page. 

Owner: All Horses must have a registered owner. If the ownership of a Horse changes, this needs to be updated on the FEI Database. Click here to see how to add/change an Owner for a FEI registered Horse. Further guidelines regarding the owners can be found here

Please note: when creating a profile for a Horse or a Person, please always verify there is not already a profile created on the FEI Database.

IV. Uploading of Horse Documents to the FEI Database

When certain actions are made on the FEI Database in regards to Horses, certain pages/scans of their identification documents must be uploaded to the FEI Database.

Click here to see which pages of the Horse's identification document need to be uploaded on the FEI Database. 

As a NF Member, you can either upload the documents directly on the FEI Database on the profile of the Horse or by using the FEI HorseApp.