Department updates in Main Para-Equestrian Driving

  • 21 Jun 2023
    Elections & Appointments 2023

    The names of candidates vetted by the FEI Nominations Committee for the Elections & Appointments 2023 are available on For the positions to be elected by the FEI General Assembly 2023, the candidacy files can also be consulted.

    The open positions are:

    •    Chair of Regional Group EEA – Board Member
    •    Chair of Regional Group VII – Board Member
    •    Chair of Driving Technical Committee – Board Member
    •    Chair of FEI Tribunal
    •    Members of FEI Tribunal
    •    Member of Audit & Compliance Committee
    •    Members of Nominations Committee, all Regional Groups

    •    Member of Jumping Committee          
    •    Member of Dressage Committee
    •    Member of Para Equestrian Committee     
    •    Member of Eventing Committee      
    •    Member of Driving Committee      
    •    Member of Vaulting Committee            
    •    Members of Veterinary Committee
    •    Member of Medical Committee
    Should you have any questions regarding the FEI Elections & Appointments 2023, please contact the Director of Governance & Institutional Affairs, Francisco Lima.

  • 13 Dec 2022
    Driving Update

    FEI Driving Dressage Tests applicable in 2023: Enhanced 3* HP2-P4 test and 3* B H4 test

    Following the decisions voted during the FEI Hybrid General Assembly in Cape Town (RSA), and the feedback provided from this competition year, the FEI has published enhancements to the CAI3* HP2-P4 test to provide additional scoring opportunities for judges to award points and increase the level of difficulty using the same figures ​by making them one handed.
    This published revised version of the CAI3* HP2-P4 test will apply from 1 January 2023 for Pair Horses, Pair Ponies and Four-in-Hand Ponies.
    This test will be used at the FEI Driving World Championship for Pairs (Horses) and the FEI Driving World Championship for Ponies – Pairs and Four-in-Hand.   Please note that any qualifying scores an Athlete earned with the previous version of the test for the World Pair Horses and Ponies and World Four-in-Hand Ponies Championships will remain valid and count toward the qualification parameters.
    The World Four-in-Hand Horse Championship will continue to be held in a 100x40m size arena and consequently the Dressage Test 3*B H4 will remain applicable as of 1 January 2023.

    Test Directives for the Dressage Test 3*B H4 for both the 100x40m and 80x40m arenas are published on the FEI Driving Dressage Tests webpage.

    New CAI1* and Para Driving Dressage tests

    Additionally, a new CAI1* test and Para Driving Dressage test has been published, and will come into effect on 1 January 2023. This new Para Driving Dressage test will be used at the FEI Para Driving World Championship in 2023.
    All FEI Driving Dressage tests are available on the FEI Driving Dressage Tests webpage.  

    FEI Driving Alternative Scoring System

    After reviewing the feedback received from various Stakeholders, the FEI Driving Committee has published a new version of the Alternative Scoring System. The new version includes the calculation of the Dressage scores in percentages, while the other competitions retain their current scoring system. The Alternative Scoring System document can be found on the FEI Driving Rules page.
    Should you have any questions regarding these items, please do not hesitate to contact the FEI Driving Department.

    Qualification criteria for FEI Driving Championships 2023

    The qualification criteria for FEI Driving Championships 2023 are published on the FEI Driving Main Events page

  • 29 Jan 2021
    Para Equestrian Classification in 2021

    The Para Equestrian Technical Committee and Classification Working Group have worked hard to try to make Classification accessible to Athletes during the Covid-19 Pandemic and following the FEI Covid-19 Guidelines for Para Dressage Events. Although the aim is to run Classification fully as per the rules, it is acknowledged that this may not be possible for all Events and for all athletes. A list of exemptions was drawn up and approved by the FEI Board to try and make Classification available for as many Athletes as possible. Athletes aiming to be qualified for the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games will be prioritised in this endeavour. This list can be found published here.


    We would like to make it clear that, although certain exemptions have been approved by the FEI Board, they are to be considered on an Event by Event and Athlete by Athlete basis, and some Athlete’s circumstances may not allow for the exemptions to be carried out. Classification must remain fair and safe for all Athletes and Classifiers. The FEI will aim to make Classification a possibility for as many Athletes as possible, especially amongst those qualifying for Tokyo 2020, but cannot guarantee that this will be possible for all.


    We ask that National Federations keep track of the Classification requirements of their Athletes, to communicate any requirements in advance with the Para Dressage Department, and to be aware that with the situation changing quickly some Events may have last minute alterations in the schedule which alter the possibility to hold Classification.

  • 15 Dec 2020
    International Classification for Para Equestrian Athletes with Vision Impairment in Waregem (BEL) on 21 April 2021

    The FEI, in cooperation with the Belgian Paralympic Committee and the International Blind Sports Federation (IBSA), is pleased to inform you that Para Equestrian Athletes (both Dressage and Driving) with Vision Impairments will have the opportunity to be internationally classified in Waregem (BEL) on 21 April 2021 in connection with the CPEDI3* Waregem (BEL).
    No fee will be charged to athletes attending this particular IBSA Classification.
    National Federations are kindly requested to submit the Vision Impairment Classification requests to Chloe Harty by Wednesday 10 March 2021 with the following documents:

    • The FEI Classification Request Form
    • The FEI Consent for Classification Form
    • The IBSA Medical Diagnostics Form, completed by a registered ophthalmologist


    All of the above forms can be found in and must be completed in full, legibly and in English or with a signed translation in copy. All Athletes, including Athletes with a Review status, must supply all of the above documents, which must be current, i.e. completed in the last 12 months.

  • 29 Mar 2017
    Para-Equestrian: REMINDER - FEI Request Form for Non-Standard Compensating Aids

    Making a FEI Non-Standard Compensating Aids Request

    According to Article 8428.9 PED Rules athletes can apply through their NF requesting non-standard compensating aids for FEI Para-Equestrian Dressage competitions.

    The request must be made by the Athlete’s NF and include:

    • The FEI Non-Standard Compensating Aids Request Form, completed legibly and in English
    • Reason for the request
    • Medical documentation
    • Aid description including materials, exact sizes and measurements
    • Photos from different perspectives, mounted and unmounted
    • Any other supporting material. All documentation provided must be in English.

    Requests must be submitted to the FEI in writing with supporting material at least two (2) weeks before the day of the horse inspection for the event to which it will apply. The FEI will forward the request to the Compensating Aids Panel for further decision. The NF will be informed in writing by the FEI of the final decision and if the request has not been approved the reason.

    All necessary information can be found published here and all request must be sent to the FEI HQ.

  • 23 Mar 2017
    Para Equestrian: REMINDER - FEI Classification Management from January 2017

    1. New Athletes requiring FEI Classification for the first time -  must apply through their NF to the FEI by completing the FEI Classification Request Form

    The Classification request must be made by the Athlete’s NF and include:

    • The FEI Classification Request Form, completed legibly and in English;
    • FEI Consent for Classification Form completed in full and signed by the Athlete
    • FEI Certificate of Diagnosis completed in full and signed by the Athlete and by a medical doctor. Any additional medical documentation that demonstrates the athlete’s impairment should be included.  All documentation provided must be in English and forms must be signed by all concern parties.

    The Classification request must be received by the FEI at least six (6) weeks before the next international competition where the athlete intends to compete.

    The Organising Committee for the international competition where the athlete will be evaluated will charge a non-refundable fee of 40 EUR or equivalent at the time of entry.

    2. Athletes who are FEI Classified and listed on the FEI Classification Master List with a status of Review (R)

    • if a fixed review date is listed on the Master List, Athletes should be reviewed at a competition as close as practicable to the date listed.
    • if no fixed review date the athlete should be Reviewed at the next opportunity
    • in both of the above, the NF should ensure the Organiser of the competition is aware the Athlete needs Review. The Chief Classifier for the competition will schedule a time for the Athlete to be Reviewed.
    • The Athlete and the NF do not need to contact the FEI or submit any documentation prior to the Review. In some instances and only if required, the Chief Classifier may request further medical documentation from the Athlete to assist in allocating a Grade after the Review.

    3.  Athletes listed on the FEI Classification Master List with a status of Confirmed or Review with a fixed review date requesting a Review because their impairment and activity limitations are no longer consistent with their current Grade must apply through their NF to the FEI by completing a Medical Review Request form.

    1. A medical review request is to be submitted if:An athlete’s relevant impairment or activity limitation has become less severe, either through medical intervention or other means. Examples of such interventions include, but are not limited to Botox injections to reduce hypertonia or to increase the active range of movement, tendon releases, joint fixations to assist posture/stability, or corrective eye surgery; or if
    2. An athlete’s impairment is progressive and has deteriorated to an extent that the athlete most likely does not fit his/ her current Grade (sport class) anymore.

    Making a Medical Review Request

    The medical review request must be made by the Athlete’s NF and include:

    • this medical review request form, completed legibly and in English;
    • attached medical documentation that demonstrates that the athlete’s impairment
    • changed after the last athlete evaluation the athlete attended; and the medical review request must be received by the FEI at least 6 weeks before the next international competition where the athlete intends to compete.
    • The Organising Committee for the international competition where the athlete will be evaluated will charge a non-refundable fee of 40 EUR or equivalent at the time of entry.

    All necessary information and relevant forms can be found published here and all request must be sent to the FEI HQ.