Doping & Medication Control Guide for Tokyo 2020

Doping & Medication Control Guide for Tokyo 2020
For Clean and Successful Games

In order to help athletes and their support personnel prepare for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic & Paralympic Games, the FEI has created dedicated Doping & Medication Control Guides to ensure athletes and their entourage have all the knowledge at their fingertips so that participation at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic & Paralympic Games is not only successful but also CLEAN…

The Guides encompass all the key information relevant to both human and equine Athletes summarising all the main points and outlining equestrian-specific considerations, important dates and processes. Broken down into bitesize chapters, the Guides covers everything human and equine athletes need to know, including useful links to resources for rules, procedures, deadlines as well as contact details for advice and guidance. Note a PDF version is available to download in English as well as eight other languages, simply click on the tabs below to be redirected to the relevant Guide.

Please also note that Athletes and other persons who need to bring medications for their personal use into Japan must ensure to have obtained an import permission before they depart for Tokyo. This is extremely important, as the Japanese law is very strict. Please review this document (NB: new, more reader friendly version, published 16 July) carefully well ahead of your departure for Tokyo.

 Doping & Medication Control Guide for Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games

Doping & Medication Control Guide for Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games