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Contact details for the Endurance Task Force now available

Media updates
08 August 2007 Author: webmaster

As you may be aware, an Endurance Task Force was set up in order to enable a full review of the sport ahead of the disciplines’ major rule review due in January 2009. The task force is divided into 6 divisions with three members devoted to each division including a serving chairman.

These Chairmen, together with their two co members, work on the specific areas of review within their division whilst maintaining full communication with the other Divisional Chairman as many of the areas of review are linked across all six divisions and so no one part of the Task Force will be independent of another.

In order to channel your queries, comments and feedback, we are pleased to announce that you may now contact each division and their respective area of responsibility directly with the email addresses provided below.

By areas of responsibility:

1. Qualification
Jim Bryant (CAN)

Criteria for Championships
Horse Log Book/Results Record
Regional Championships
Handicap System
Leasing of Horses

2. Organisation
Vijay Moorthy (IND)

Public Perception
Abandonment of Events – Protocol
Approved Technology
Handicap System

3. Equine Protection
Fred Barrelet (SUI)

Equitation Training
Equine Research
Minimum rest period between events
Local Environmental Monitoring
Hold/Presentation/Criteria evaluation
Progression through ride distances

4. Education
Maurizio Stecco (ITA)

TD/Course Designers
Availability of Qualified Officials
Maintenance of Official Status
FEI Data Base
*Rating of Officials

5. Legal Controls
Art Priesz (USA)

Metabolic Eliminations –
Rider suspension
Enforced Rest periods - Horses

6. Competition Structure
John Robertson (GBR)

Low level distances – Danger?
* Rating - distances
Number of Vet Gates – climate
TD Responsibilities
Progressive closing of Vet Gates
Best Condition Rules

The cooperative and unified approach to the review of the discipline, as seen at the World Forum in Paris last March, is indicative of the collective wish of FEI Federations to continue to develop and raise the standards of International Endurance sport around the world.

A progress report will be issued in October with the full recommendations being finalised in early 2008. These recommendations will then be circulated to all National Federations for comment. The FEI Endurance Technical Committee will then fully consider the review proposals (amended as required following NF feed back) ahead of the establishment of the 2009 rule book.