Notes on subjects discussed and recommendations to be put forward to the FEI Driving Committee.
Feb 3rd Course Designers seminar
1. Discussion concerning different surfaces in Dressage Arenas. Agreed that, if at all possible to have similar surfaces in the warm up arena and main dressage arena.
(Most important at Championships to have same surfaces).
2. Much discussion on the positioning of Judges for test 8. Current Rule change for Art 940.1.2 if using three judges on short side C, then two sat 3m in from long side of the Arena. Some felt better for Judges if sat in 5-6m to get a better view. Evidently still not a clear consensus on best position. FEI committee will allow more trials on different locations if permission given. Discussion of marking of X & G in Arenas. Particularly when using sand arenas. Must be clear and whatever used repeated in warm up arena.
3. Short discussion on materials used for dressage Arena. All agreed Chain rings, should not be used.
4. Footing for First Inspection. Important use Asphalt or very firm smooth surface. See Vet Regs on description. If using Asphalt need to be aware of it not getting slippery. Sand very difficult to create firm surface. Not advisable to use it.
5. Reminder to everyone on change of rule Art 951.2.5. Time limit on walk Sections B&D now twice time allowed.
6. Much discussion on the length of Section A. With the removal of 5 section Marathons, recognition that often horses not warmed up enough when section A too short. Some countries all ready having Max distance in a up to 9km. discussed linking number of Obstacles to length of A, maybe link time in E to corresponding time in A. Also discussion on cool down period after section E.
(Consensus after much discussion on recommending to FEI committee)
That Minimum distance in A goes from 4 to 6km, and Max distance in A goes from 6 to 10 km).
7. Question asked concerning length and speed of section D. All agreed leave walk distance as is. However much discussion on purpose of walk. All agreed leave as walk is now, very important to have ample stewards on the section, to observe for break of pace.
8. Discussion on footing in all sections and Obstacles. Obstacles most important, but having as CD’s to deal with reality of cost of footing. This brought up discussion on Course Walks. General consensus that we recommend that Art 950.8.3 be changed so that Course walks are at the discretion of the OC’s as to whether they take place. Taking into consideration land owners, footing and weather.
9. Discussion on Marathon Obstacles and Art 949.3.2 and 3.10. Concerning the 20m distance for in/out gates and crowd control barrier. All agreed we are not always following this for various reasons including physical aspects of an Obstacle, making Obstacles more exciting for spectators by bringing the spectators closer to the gates. Understanding that the TD may grant an exception to the 20m, it is being used more and more and the rule should be changed to reflect this.
(Suggestion to FEI committee to relook at this rule).
10. Letters in Obstacle gates. Much discussion on this. British are successfully using the format with a large letter surrounded by same letter in a smaller font.
Others have not had so much success and preferred the old way with only one letter on one side and wrap around of white or red. Evidently still need to work with several ways till we come to a better consensus from competitors, stewards and spectators. Also discussed use of gates in Technical obstacles where gates often hard to see. Some CD’s using upside down plastic bottles, with lid screwed to top of post, and bottle with red or white gate letter attached. Noted that when using these, still put small red and white marker on posts below bottles, in case bottles are knocked of.
11. Discussion on use of portable Obstacles. All agreed they are useful, but must be built strongly enough so not too easy to move. This brought up a long discussion on knock downs. In particular for these portable obstacles. Using Balls as the knock down element, but making sure they are set on a secure base. Bottle lids not wide enough. Also point brought up that when using the knock down wooden strips attached with Velcro, that many wheels on carriages are canted in at the top, so do not touch the strips as currently placed.
12. Discussion on use of wide gates in obstacles. Agreed okay but better if elements are in the gates to prevent U turns, and also too wide creates problems for stewards.
13. Use of electronic timers in Obstacles considered important, particularly in CAI-A and above competitions. This brought on a general discussion on use of electronic timers in the sections. All very aware of the numbers of volunteers needed for competitions. In Finland they have been using electronic timing devices similar to that used for orienteering races. The competitor carries a card that is swiped through a reader at the beginning and end of each section, which records time. Thus time on sections done automatically. Only manual timing of rest area 10 minutes. General discussion on GPS and new types of electronic timers. All interested to see where this goes as it is evident technology may help cut down on volunteers needed.
14. Much discussion on the use of closed multiple obstacles. U’s, L’s, boxes and double boxes. Agreement that they are used less and less. Awkward and time consuming to build, few penalties in them.
(All agreed to suggest to FEI committee to do away with these. Keep Zig Zag, Serpentine, Water & Bridge. Also several CD’s would come up with new open multiple designs using cones).
15. Discussion on when Obstacle diagram must be produced. Rules Art 962.6.1 states 48hrs before. All agreed this just allowed competitors to practice. All felt just before course opens would be okay. Also agreed that only cones of OC be allowed in the warm up areas to prevent copies of cones courses being laid out, by individuals. Also felt competitors should not be allowed to measure with a wheel when walking the course.
(Suggestion to FEI committee, alter Art 962.6.1 and reference to 48hrs before. Also only cones from OC used in warm up areas, and no walking of cones course with measuring wheel by competitors).
16. Discussion on markers and cones, and should we go to markers on cones.
Understanding that this not popular with judges as complicates judging.
This brought up discussion on Art 964.2.5 and 3.1. The difficulty sometimes of the judging of this.
17. Some discussion on bridges and heights. Also the use of permanently constructed bridges which are occasionally located in the cones area.
(Suggestion to committee, that exception be granted by TD for permanent Bridges, that are higher than allowed ( art 962.4.3), to be used if safely constructed).
Feb 4th TD Seminar.
Went through all recently passed rule changes, that had been handed out to participants.
1. Discussion on draft schedule. Mentioned about problem with locked forms.
Much discussion on the schedule and also a list for competitors listing all other details they need to know. Important that at Championships Chef d’Equipes get this early, so that no surprises when they arrive at the site of the competition. Much discussion about what is on the schedule and what is information for the competitors for that particular competition.
Two World Championships very successful this year because of information getting to NF’s, Chef D’Equipes in a timely manner.
2. Discussion on Nominated and Definite entries. The importance of these being on time and correctly filled out, particularly with World Championships. Then discussion on Rule change concerning Additional Individual entries. Allowing OC’s to be able to decide how many extra individuals they could invite whether Single/Pair or Four Championship. This led to a suggestion that there should be put together a timeline tree of order of entries, substitutions etc.
4. Discussion on Role of Chief FEI Steward, and how important they are. Currently. The OC picks their Chief Steward, but there is no list of Senior experienced Stewards. Feeling that Stewards still not valued enough by ranking in the FEI.
5. Importance discussed of the Jury meeting together before start of the Competition and deciding on issues that might arise and how they will handle them. Also the importance of the Chef D’Equipes meeting and that all Officials brief on their aspects of the event. The importance throughout that the Officials and OC work as a team.
6. Assistant TD. Agreed very useful, but idea was to use up and coming International TD’s, perhaps from host Country so they can gain experience.
Recognising that this can also be a financial consideration for OC.
7. Much discussion then on the Physical layout of event sites. In particular ground available for Parking/Camping and Stabling. The amount of water and electricity needed. Realizing every year competitors arrive with more and often larger vehicles. Very important for OC’s and TD’s to make sure this is well planned out in advance as well as the competition sites. Important that space to be assigned be put in the schedule , also type of electrical hook up. Question asked should we be controlling how many vehicles? Also importance of having enough volunteers on site when Competitors arrive to make sure parking is orderly and spaces assigned strictly enforced. Also discussion on making sure Stewards and Vets are there well in time before competitors arrive, to handle stabling, horse Examinations, passport check and horse numbers given out.
8. Discussion on stabling, and problems with illegal use of drugs and how hard it is to control. Strictly control who is allowed in the stable and perhaps video at night.
9. Horse inspection. Discussion on re-inspections. Must be carried out by all Judges and Vets.
10. Training areas and use of controlled areas and tracks to drive on. Understanding that with tracks it is harder for the Stewards to oversee, but still important that it is available. If Dressage Arena is not of same surface material as a warm up areas then important that competitors have chance to work on this surface. Schedules have to be set up to allow everyone the chance to work on it.
11. Discussion on marking of course. Agreement on keeping number of gates down to only what is truly necessary and use arrows where possible. Also importance of TD and CD working as a team, and that CD is not in competition against competitors. This must be emphasized to lower level Course designers. Also emphasized that when Jury members check courses, that if they make changes it is for safety reasons not a differing of opinion on design.
12. Knockdowns in Obstacles. Agreed that they should be used for all divisions. Agreed that knock downs should not be used in a gate.
13. Videoing in obstacles. It must be an official video. The use of them as evidence needs to be a point brought up in the initial Jury meeting, so the they can decide beforehand. Discussion on briefing of Obstacle stewards, so that if competitor takes wrong course or other incident. All stewards in that Obstacle agree on what occurred. Important that information gets back to scorer as soon as is possible.
14. Discussion of Judges Role during Marathon. General agreement that Judges should remain with same assignment all day for continuity. Only change if different divisions. Also ground Observers on walk should stay the same.
15. Discussion on emergency plans, accident report forms. Different in each country. More NF’s requiring them. This also led to discussion on horse accidents and how these are handled. This also led into a conversation on the costs of vets. FEI and treating vets.
16. Discussion on the role of the Foreign Judge. Some confusion on the Rule
Art 903. Can the President of the Jury be the Foreign Judge or must they be another member of Jury. Also discussion on whether a Foreign judge is necessary.
(Suggestion to the FEI office that previous years Foreign Judge report be sent to the TD, so that they understand what the problems where from year before).
17. Damping devices on carriages. Referring to Art, 915.2.2 &2.3 also 936.3.3 and 960 5.5. The rules originally referring to locking devices on the fifth wheels that where being used to lock or dampen the fifth wheel when backing up in a dressage test. The problem now is that it is being read to mean delayed steering as well. Which was not the intention. Long discussion on difficulty in ruling on this from a Steward’s point trying to see if being used or not. (Consensus that recommend to FEI committee that these articles be removed as not gaining anything).
18. Short discussion on drive offs. Not very popular as it extends day often longer than OC’s want.
(Recommend to FEI committee that Art 9591.3 be changed so that Championships and CAIO events MAY have a drive off, not must). Question the importance of having them. Also that the use of Heart rate monitors on horses should be allowed during the Marathon.
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