Safeguarding in Sport

Harassment & Abuse in Sport

Everyone involved in our sport should be safe and treated with respect. When any member of equestrian community - such as Athlete, Support Personnel, Coach, Trainer, Groom, Horse Owner, Official, volunteer or staff member - is subjected to or engages in abuse or misconduct, this goes against the best interests of equestrian sport.


All forms of harassment and abuse are prohibited and will not be tolerated by the FEI. Harassment and abuse can be expressed in five forms, which may occur in combination or in isolation.

1. Psychological abuse
2. Physical abuse
3. Sexual harassment
4. Sexual abuse
5. Neglect


The FEI's Safeguarding Policy Against Harassment and Abuse aims to protect the members of the FEI equestrian community and includes a reporting system. You will find the Policy here.


If you wish to report an incident, please fill out the FEI Incident Report Form.