Other Decisions 2006 to 2010

Other Decisions - 2006 to 2010
sorted by "decision's date", newest to oldest, click on the link in Parties to open the pdf document
Date Parties Event / Date Dispute

31 May 2010

McLain Ward (US) v. FEI

see also FEI Communication dated 2 July 2010

CSI5* WC, Geneva (CH)  

21 January 2010

British Equestrian Federation (BEF) v. FEI

- see also CAS Decision of 13 July 2010

05 June 2009 H.Haring v. FEI    
05 June 2009 M. Kutscher v. FEI    
23 July 2008 Madeleine Brugman (NED) & Andrew Hoy (AUS)  v. FEI CCI3* Barroca d'Alva  
10 August 2006 Helena Lundbäck (SWE) & the horse Conan v. FEI CSIO Dublin (IRL)