FEI Para Dressage Rules - Changes for 2025

FEI Dressage Rule Changes 2025

Elimination Protocols (Article 8421.5.2 & 8421.5.3)

  • Marked Lameness: Horses eliminated for marked lameness will be reinspected by an Inspection Panel before being allowed to compete in any further competitions at the event. No appeal is allowed against this decision.
  • Fall of Athlete or Horse: New protocols clarify the procedures for elimination in the event of a fall, ensuring athlete and horse welfare.
Compensating Aids (Article 8432.3.3 & 8432.5.7.1)
  • Handholds: Fixed (rigid) handholds may be used but must not exceed 10 cm in height and 30 cm in width. Deviations will be considered non-standard compensating aids and must be listed on the FEI Classification Master List.
  • Rein Loops: Clarified measurement of rein loops: a maximum of four loops per rein, with each loop no longer than 30 cm. Loops can be attached by fixed or adjustable attachments, with a maximum of eight attachments per rein.
Bandages and Tack (Article 1044.8, Veterinary Regulations)
  • A new FEI measuring device for noseband tightness will be introduced across disciplines, starting 1 May 2025, to ensure consistent and reliable readings.
Video about the Rules Changes 2025 (also available on FEI Campus)
Useful links
FEI Para Dressage Rules (clean and mark-up versions)

If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out to paradressage@fei.org