FEI Dressage Rules - Changes for 2025

FEI Dressage Rule Changes 2025

Lameness Protocol (Article 424.5.1)

In cases of marked lameness, the Judge at C will eliminate the athlete, and this decision cannot be appealed. For non-qualifying competitions, the horse must pass a re-inspection by an FEI Veterinarian before being allowed to compete in the next test.

Spurs in Children and Pony Competitions (Article 431.4.1)

Spurs are optional, but if used, they must be blunt metal with a maximum shank length of 3.5cm (measured from boot to tip). Spurs with rowels are not permitted.

Ground Jury Size for FEI World Cup Final (Articles 441.2 & 441.9.4)

The number of Ground Jury members for the FEI World Cup Dressage Final has been reduced from seven to five. This change does not apply to Olympic Games or FEI Dressage Championships for Seniors at the Grand Prix level.

Noseband Tightness Standardisation (Veterinary Regulations, Article 1044.8)

A new FEI measuring device for noseband tightness will be introduced across disciplines, starting 1 May 2025, to ensure consistent and reliable readings.

Video about the Rules Changes 2025 (also available on FEI Campus)
Useful links
FEI Dressage Rules (clean and mark-up versions)

If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out to dressage@fei.org.