Department updates in Main Dressage

  • 21 Mar 2024
    Olympic & Paralympic Games - Update


    Olympic Games

    Paralympic Games





    Important Deadlines - Jumping - Dressage - Eventing



    28 MARCH

    NOCs/NFs to nominate long list of potential Athletes to Paris 2024 (to be submitted to the Paris2024 OC by the respective NOCs).

    24 JUNE

    FEI Deadline for achieving Olympic MERs for all Athlete/Horse combinations.

    25 JUNE

    FEI Deadline for NFs to send Certificates of Capability to FEI

    08 JULY

    Paris 2024 Sport Entry deadline – NOCs submit final entries.

    Tickets for National Federations for Olympic Games Equestrian competitions

    We are pleased to inform you that the FEI are in the position to offer a limited number of competition tickets to National Federations having obtained a qualification quota for the Olympic Games. These tickets are exclusively available for Presidents and Secretary Generals (nominative and non-transferable) and are solely for the competitions in which the qualified athletes of the respective National Federations will be participating. Tickets will be allocated on a first come first serve basis.
    Should you be interested in obtaining tickets. Please kindly contact Catrin Norinder with a copy to Nitia Lazzari by 02 April 2024.

    Individual Quota Places confirmation - Jumping - Dressage - Eventing

    Please be informed that ALL eligible NOCs/NFs have confirmed the use of their allocated Individual quota places by the deadline of 18 March 2024. 
    The current status for individual qualification quota places within each of the three Olympic disciplines – Jumping, Dressage, Eventing has been confirmed as follows. This list is subject to the completion of the respective Minimum Eligibility requirements (MERs), procedures and deadlines. 

    • Olympic Ranking - Group A: Denmark and Norway
    • Olympic Ranking - Group B: Italy and Portugal
    • Olympic Ranking - Group C: Latvia and Greece
    • Olympic Ranking - Group D and E: Venezuela // through Pan Am Games: Colombia, Argentina, Chile 
    • Olympic Ranking - Group F: Egypt and Syria
    • Olympic Ranking - Group G: Thailand and New Zealand 
    • Olympic Ranking - Overall (NOC not yet qualified above): Luxembourg  


    • Olympic Ranking - Group A: Denmark (1) and Finland (1*)
    • Olympic Ranking - Group B: Spain (1*) and Austria (1)
    • Olympic Ranking - Group C: Lithuania (1) and Hungary (1)
    • Olympic Ranking – Groups D & E: Chile (1), Argentina (1), Ecuador (2*)
    • Olympic Ranking - Group F:  South Africa (1) and Morocco (1)
    • Olympic Ranking - Group G:  China (2*)
    • Olympic Ranking - Overall (NOCs not yet qualified above): Spain (1*), Finland (1*), Czech Republic (1) 

    * These two nations have a total of two (2) individual quota places 

    • Olympic Ranking - Group A: Norway and Ireland
    • Olympic Ranking - Group B: Luxembourg and Switzerland
    • Olympic Ranking - Group C: Lithuania and Moldova 
    • Olympic Ranking - Group D and E: Dominican Republic and Venezuela // through Pan Am Games: Brazil* and Ecuador
    • Olympic Ranking - Group F: Morocco and Palestine 
    • Olympic Ranking - Group G: New Zealand and Singapore 
    • Olympic Ranking - Overall (NOC not yet qualified above): India 
     * Allocation of one (1) individual quota place further to team quota place withdrawal
    The Qualification System documents including the list of NOCs having obtained Team and Individual Quota Places and Reserve NOCs for all three disciplines are available in the FEI Paris 2024 hub.

    Eventing - Olympic Minimum Elegibility Requirements

    Further to queries received from different National Federations, the interpretation of the terms “different events” included in Article 626.1 of the FEI Regulations for Equestrian Events at the Olympic Games has been clarified as follows.
    All Athletes/Horses who take part in the Paris 2024 Olympic Games Eventing Competitions, and subject to the provisions of paragraphs 2 and 3 below, must achieve the following minimum eligibility requirements (MERs) as a combination by obtaining “FEI qualifying results” at different events in the following level of Competition which take place from 1 January 2023 until (and including) 24 June 2024):
    (i) One (1) qualifying result at a CCI5*-L;
    or (ii) One (1) qualifying result in a CCI4*-L AND 1 qualifying result in a CCI4*-S
    (iii) Plus one (1) qualifying result in a CCI4*-S or 4*L or 5*L to be obtained after 1 January 2024 and on or before 24 June 2024 (the “Confirmation Result”)
    The legal interpretation of “Event” according to the FEI General regulations prevails: A complete meeting, "Show", "Championship" or "Games". While Olympic MERs may therefore be achieved at any events included in the list of OG MER events available here, we strongly encourage that they are obtained at different venues.
    The intention of this provision is to optimise the preparation of Athletes/Horse combinations for the Olympic Cross-Country.
    As a reminder, the preparation and qualification of all athletes and horses is the responsibility of the NFs.
    Should you have any questions, please contact Catrin Norinder with a copy to Nitia Lazzari.

    Veterinary - New documents available

    Kindly note that new Veterinary documents are now available on the FEI Paris 2024 Hub.

    • Pre-Arrival Testing: all of the Pre-Arrival Testing guidance and related submission forms for the Olympic and Paralympic Games have been finalised and are now available here.  
    • Medications for Team Veterinarians: The list of medications that will be available for the team vets at the on-site clinic in Versailles is available here.

    Should you have any questions, please contact the FEI Veterinary Department.


    Important deadlines Para Dressage



    03 MAY

    Deadline for Paris 2024 Organising Committee to receive accreditation application forms submitted by NPCs (“Accreditation Long List”). This deadline is for all stakeholder groups, including Athletes, NPC teams, Horse Owners etc.

    19 JUNE

    End of the period for Athlete/Horse combinations to attain a minimum eligibility score. Nominated Entries date – NFs deadline to send in Certificate of Capabilities.

    05 AUGUST

    Deadline for Paris 2024 Organising Committee to receive sport entry forms submitted by NPCs.

    Allocations of Qualifications Slots

    As per the Qualification Regulations, NPCs were notified of allocated qualification slots on 4 March, and had until 18 March to confirm the use of allocated places. The Qualification System document has been updated accordingly on the FEI Paris 2024 Hub.
    The FEI will inform NPCs of any reallocations, and the awarding of Bipartite Commission Invitations by 25 March, after which the final list will be published.
    The current status for team and individual qualification quota places for Para Dressage has been confirmed as follows. This list is subject to the completion of the respective Minimum Eligibility requirements (MERs), procedures and deadlines.

    Team Qualifications (three or four slots)

    • Host Country – France
    • 2022 FEI World Championships – Netherlands, Denmark, USA, Great Britain, Belgium, Germany, Italy
    • 2023 FEI European Championships – Sweden
    • FEI Para Equestrian Regional Team Ranking allocation – Canada, Singapore*, Australia
    • FEI Para Equestrian Team Ranking List Allocation – Austria, Norway
    • Completion of Team Quota – Ireland

    * Accepted three quota slots, one returned for reallocation

    Individual Qualifications (maximum 2 slots per NPC)
    ara Equestrian Individual Ranking List Allocation – Regional Distribution

    • Africa – South Africa
    • Americas – Brazil*, Mexico
    • Asia – Hong Kong, Japan*
    • Europe – Latvia, Poland, Finland*
    • Oceania – New Zealand
    • Completion of Quota - Hungary, Czech Republic, Finland*, Slovakia

    *These nations have a total of two (2) individual quota places

    Minimum Eligibility Requirements

    To be eligible for selection by an NPC, Athletes must:

    • Be internationally classified with a ‘Confirmed’ sport class status or a ‘Review’ sport class status with a review date after 31 December 2024.

    To be eligible for selection by an NPC, Athlete/Horse combinations must:

    • Have achieved at least one (1) sixty-four (64) percent score at a FEI Para Equestrian 3* or above event in an Individual or Team competition between 1 January 2022 and 31 December 2022, or have achieved at least one (1) sixty-four (64) percent score at a FEI Para Equestrian 3* or above event in a Grand Prix Test A or Grand Prix Test B from 1 January 2023 to 19 June 2024.

    We remind National Federations to verify their Athlete’s Classification Status, and please contact the Para Dressage department if there are any questions. Athletes must meet the Eligibility requirements by the deadline of 19 June 2024.

    Veterinary - New documents available

    Kindly note that new Veterinary documents are now available on the FEI Paris 2024 Hub.

    • Pre-Arrival Testing: all of the Pre-Arrival Testing guidance and related submission forms for the Olympic and Paralympic Games have been finalised and are now available here.  
    • Medications for Team Veterinarians: The list of medications that will be available for the team vets at the on-site clinic in Versailles is available here.

    Should you have any questions, please contact the FEI Veterinary Department.


    Paris 2024 iconic poster revealed

    Summary of useful Paris 2024 links

    FEI History Hub

    Who was the first woman to take part in equestrian at Olympic Games?
    When did equestrian enter the Paralympic programme? 
    Visit the FEI History Hub and read up on all the fun facts of past editions of Olympic and Paralympic Games since the inclusion of equestrian sports.


  • 13 Mar 2024
    FEI World Championships 2026 in Aachen (GER)

    The Organising Committee of the FEI World Championships 2026 in Aachen would already like to share some useful information with all National Federations in order to facilitate you, your teams, athletes and horses in the best possible way. Below you will find information regarding the key contact persons within the Organising Committee, who are available should you already have questions regarding the FEI World Championships 2026.

    For all sports-related questions, please contact:
    Ms. Jana Kun:
    Jana will be your main sport liaison person.

    For all non-sport related issues, i.e. accommodation, accreditation, transport, please contact
    Ms. Jennifer Ingenhaag :
    Jennifer will be your main non-sport liaison person.

    Please note that ticket sales for the Jumping and Dressage competitions have already started. Tickets can be purchased at
    As soon as tickets for the other disciplines are available, the Organising Committee will communicate this.
    For any questions regarding tickets, please contact:
    Ms. Lea Sous

    Hotel / Accommodation:
    The Aachen tourism service will be the official partner for hotels and accommodation. The Organising Committee  kindly asks you do not contact the hotels directly, but always go via the Aachen tourism service.
    They can be contacted via:

    Lastly, the Organising Committee would like to create a list of contacts for all correspondences regarding the FEI World Championships Aachen 2026. Please send the names and email addresses of the people you would like to see added to this mailing list, so that they can stay up to date on the latest developments.
    Please send the contact details to:

    The Organising Committee of the FEI World Championships in Aachen 2026 looks forward to working together with you all and is available for any questions you may have.

  • 12 Mar 2024
    Sport Nationality Change Applications

    In order to streamline and enhance the processing of sport nationality change by the FEI, a new Application Form for Athletes aged over 18 years, is now available on Nationality. When filled out accurately, this Application Form will enable the FEI to process requests more efficiently by:

    • Reducing the email correspondence regarding the Sport Nationality application,
    • Allowing the applying National Federation to identify and provide from the outset the necessary supporting documents; and
    • Allowing the FEI to identify all regulatory implications of the sport nationality change for the Athlete and inform the applying National Federation accordingly.

    The Sport Nationality Form includes detailed instructions. It can be filled out and signed electronically. It can also be printed, filled in by hand, and scanned before sharing with the FEI. 

    Kindly ensure that going forward all Sport Nationality applications for Athletes aged over 18 years will be submitted to the FEI using this form. Incomplete, unsigned and/or undocumented applications will not be processed by the FEI.  

  • 28 Feb 2024
    FEI Board Resolutions, 27 February 2024 - Dressage

    The FEI Board held a teleconference on 27 February. The main resolutions taken on this occasion are listed below.


    The Board approved the appointment of the current members of the Judges Supervisory Panel (JSP) subject to the application of staggered terms of two and four years as per Article 31.13 of the FEI Statutes, following a draw to be overseen by the FEI Nominations Committee Chair.
    The list of JSP members will be published here.

  • 20 Feb 2024
    Olympic & Paralympic Games - Update


    Olympic Games

    Paralympic Games


    Important Deadlines - Jumping - Dressage - Eventing
    18 MARCH NOCs/NFs to confirm allocated individual & composite team quota places to the FEI
    28 MARCH NOCs/NFs to nominate long list of potential Athletes to Paris 2024*
    24 JUNE Deadline for achieving Olympic MERs for all Athlete/Horse combinations
    25 JUNE NFs to send FEI Certificates of Capability to the FEI
    08 JULY Paris 2024 Sport Entry deadline – NOCs submit final entries
    * IMPORTANT: NOCs will be required to nominate directly to Paris2024 OC, the long list of all Athletes who could possibly be entered for the Olympic Games by 28 March 2024.  This accreditation long list includes the NOC Delegation with all potential grooms, horse Owners, Team officials. For more information, please contact your NOC directly.
    Individual Quota Places confirmation
    Jumping - Dressage - Eventing

    The FEI has informed eligible NOCs/NFs of the allocation of Individual quota places on 19 February 2024. All eligible NOCs/NFs must now confirm or decline their allocated Individual quota place for the Paris2024 Olympic Games to the FEI in writing by 18 March 2024. An answer from both the respective NOC and NF is required. 
    The current status for individual qualification quota places within each of the three Olympic disciplines – Jumping, Dressage, Eventing - has been outlined below. This list is subject to the completion of the respective qualification requirements, procedures and deadlines.

    • Olympic Ranking - Group A: Denmark and Norway
    • Olympic Ranking - Group B: Italy and Portugal
    • Olympic Ranking - Group C: Latvia and Greece
    • Olympic Ranking - Group D and E: Venezuela // through Pan Am Games: Colombia, Argentina, Chile 
    • Olympic Ranking - Group F: Egypt and Syria
    • Olympic Ranking - Group G: Thailand and New Zealand 
    • Highest ranked NOC not yet qualified: Luxembourg 


    • Olympic Ranking - Group A: Denmark (1) and Finland (1*)
    • Olympic Ranking - Group B: Spain (1*) and Austria (1)
    • Olympic Ranking - Group C: Lithuania (1) and Hungary (1)
    • Olympic Ranking – Groups D & E: Chile (1), Argentina (1), Ecuador (2)
    • Olympic Ranking - Group F:  South Africa (1) and Morocco (1)
    • Olympic Ranking - Group G:  China (2)
    • Three (3) highest Ranked NOCs not yet qualified: Spain (1*), Finland (1*), Czech Republic (1)

    * These two nations have a total of two (2) individual quota places

    • Olympic Ranking - Group A: Norway and Ireland
    • Olympic Ranking - Group B: Luxembourg and Switzerland
    • Olympic Ranking - Group C: Lithuania and Moldova 
    • Olympic Ranking - Group D and E: Dominican Republic and Venezuela // through Pan Am Games: Brazil* and Ecuador
    • Olympic Ranking - Group F: Morocco and Palestine 
    •  Olympic Ranking - Group G: New Zealand and Singapore 
    • Highest ranked NOC not yet qualified: India 

     * Allocation of one (1) individual quota place further to team quota place withdrawal

    The Qualification System documents including the list of NOCs having obtained Team and Individual Quota Places and Reserve NOCs for all three disciplines are available in the FEI Paris 2024 hub.

    Deadline to submit Horse Owner's information to the FEI

    Please note that the date for the registration of owners is lined up with the NOC deadline to submit the long list for accreditation to the Paris2024 Organising Committee.
    Article 620 – OWNERS OF HORSES
    1. Accreditation
    Each NOC may request accreditation for a maximum of two (2) Owners for each Horse allowed into the Olympic Stables during the Olympic Games. One (1) of those two (2) Owner’s name must be entered in the passport. Access will include the stables in accordance with Veterinary Regulations, training areas, Athletes’ and Olympic Family seating.
    2. Registered owners
    The National Federation (NF) of a Horse belonging to a partnership or a syndicate of Owners must inform the FEI by the date of the OCOG/IOC accreditation date (entry by number) for NOCs: 28 MARCH 2024, of the name of one (1) Owner to ensure that they are entered in the Olympic Accreditation system.

    Olympic Minimum Elegibility Requirements - Eventing

    Further to queries received from different National Federations, the wording of the below Article 626.1 of the FEI Regulations for Equestrian Events at the Olympic Games is confirmed as follows:

    All Athletes/Horses who take part in the Paris 2024 Olympic Games Eventing Competitions, and subject to the provisions of paragraphs 2 and 3 below, must achieve the following minimum eligibility requirements (MERs) as a combination by obtaining “FEI qualifying results” at different events in the following level of Competition which take place from 1 January 2023 until (and including) 24 June 2024):
    (i) One (1) qualifying result at a CCI5*-L;
    or (ii) One (1) qualifying result in a CCI4*-L AND 1 qualifying result in a CCI4*-S
    (iii) Plus one (1) qualifying result in a CCI4*-S or 4*L or 5*L to be obtained after 1 January 2024 and on or before 24 June 2024 (the “Confirmation Result”)

    Combinations obtaining all of their MER results at 4* level must achieve a minimum of three (3) MERs, one of which must be obtained at a long-format event. Alternatively, combinations obtaining one MER at 5* level must achieve a minimum of two (2) MER results. Of these MERs, all combinations must obtain at least one (1) MER result in 2024, the “confirmation result”.
    The list of events counting for achieving Olympic Minimum Eligibility Requirements for 2024 is available here.

    Should you have any question, please contact Catrin Norinder with a copy to Nitia Lazzari.

    Important Deadlines Para Dressage
    28 FEBRUARY Deadline to submit change of nationality requests to the IPC
    04 MARCH FEI notifies the NPCs in writing about the number of allocated qualification slots
    18 MARCH NPCs confirm in writing the use of allocated qualification slots

    Deadline for NPCs to submit Bipartite Commission Invitation applications to FEI
    25 MARCH FEI confirms in writing the reallocation of unused qualification slots and the awarding of Bipartite Commission Invitations
    03 MAY Deadline for Paris 2024 Organising Committee to receive accreditation application forms submitted by NPCs (“Accreditation Long List”)
    19 JUNE End of the period for Athlete/horse combinations to attain a minimum eligibility score

    NFs to send FEI Certificates of Capability to FEI
    05 AUGUST Deadline for Paris 2024 Organising Committee to receive sport entry forms submitted by NPCs

    Remember to check out the Paris 2024 Hub, where you will find all the relevant information, guidelines and rules, as well as latest news, updates and deadlines with regards to the equestrian events of the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games.
    Each tab opens a dedicated section, and you will find at the end of the table of contents links to the latest Media Updates as well as Department Updates with technical information and reminders regarding upcoming deadlines. This hub is continually being updated, and we include the date of publication for all documents when documents are published and subsequently updated.

    Who was the first woman to take part in equestrian at Olympic Games?
    When did equestrian enter the Paralympic programme?
    Visit the FEI History Hub and read up on all the fun facts of past editions of Olympic and Paralympic Games since the inclusion of equestrian sports.


  • 19 Jan 2024
    FEI Board Resolutions, 18 January 2024 - Dressage

    FEI Dressage World Cup™ Rules 2024/2025

    The Board approved the proposed Rules for the FEI Dressage World Cup™ season 2024/2025.

    The main modifications are as follows:

    • Harmonisation with the main FEI Dressage Rules 2024 with regards to the minimum percentage score to be achieved in the first test to qualify for the second test (Art. 5 Qualification within each CDI-W qualifier) as well as for the Final (Art. 16)
    • An organising dues, calendar fees and hosting fees provision, which was missing in the previous season, has been added (Art. 6 Organising dues, calendar fees and hosting fees)
    • A clarification has been added to the Western European League invitation system, with regards to additional individual Athletes invited (Art. 8 Invitations).

    The approved Rules are published online here.

  • 8 Jan 2024
    Reminder, Olympic Registration & Change of Horse Ownership/Nationality deadline 15 January 2024

    This important deadline of Monday, 15 January 2024, which applies to all (potential) Paris 2024 Olympic Games Horses is approaching.

    Kindly note that further to Article 139 of the FEI General Regulations and Article 606 of the FEI Regulations for Equestrian Events at the Olympic Games Paris 2024:

    • The nationality of the Owner of a Horse competing at Paris 2024 must be the same as the nationality of the Athlete riding the Horse.
    • Only Horses owned by Owner(s) having the same nationality of the Athlete (i.e. not leased horses) can participate at Paris 2024.
    • The Owner of the orse and its nationality must be entered in the FEI Database by 15 January 2024.
    • Where a Horse has multiple Owners of different nationalities, the nationality of the Horse ownership must be declared with the FEI by 15 January 2024 (via the FEI Database) and must match the nation for which the Horse will compete during the Paris 2024 Olympic Games; one of the multiple Owners must have the nationality of the nation for whom the Horse will compete. For example, if there are 3 owners of a Horse and one owner has nationality X, one owner has nationality Y and one owner has nationality Z, the Horse must be registered with one of these nationalities (X or Y or Z) by 15 January 2024 and can only compete for that registered nation at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.

     Please refer to the image below of how this is represented on the FEI Database:

    The nationality highlighted in orange is the declared nationality of the ownership and, as of 15 January 2024, the only nation for which the Horse can compete at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.

    • If the nationality of the Horse is changed between 15 January 2024 and the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, the Horse will not be eligible to compete at Paris 2024 (the Owners can change provided the nationality of the ownership is maintained).
    • As per the FEI General Regulations, “Owner” means a person or entity having a property interest in whole or in part of one or more horses.
    • The horse may be owned by individual(s) and/or company(ies) and/or by a partnership of individual(s) and/or company(ies).
    • If the Horse is owned by a company, the nationality of the Horse is that of the country where the company is registered. The name of the company and its nationality must be entered in the FEI Database as the Owner of the Horse by 15 January 2024 as mentioned above.
    • When a Horse is owned by a company it is not mandatory to enter the name of an individual (with legal ownership in the company) in the FEI Database prior to 15 January 2024.

    Please kindly note that the 15 January 2024 deadline is applied strictly and the FEI cannot grant exceptions, regardless of the reason for missing the deadline (e.g., technical issues etc). Therefore, we strongly encourage all NFs with a team or individual quota place for Paris 2024 (or who might obtain a quota place via the reallocation process) to update and check the ownerships of all potential Olympic Games Horses via the FEI Database prior to the 15 January 2024 deadline. Please double check this even if you believe that all is in order.
    For any questions on updating Horse ownerships on the FEI Database, please contact
    Please kindly note that the same provisions do not apply to the Paralympics, and Horse Owners as well as Nationality changes do not have to follow the same Rules as in the Olympic Games. Please contact the Para Dressage Department if you have any questions.

  • 2 Jan 2024
    FEI publishes Olympic and Paralympic Rankings for Paris 2024 

    We wish you a very Happy New Olympic and Paralympic Year!

    Please click here to read the press release announcing the publication of the Olympic and Paralympic Rankings for Paris 2024.

    Thank you for your attention.

  • 11 Dec 2023
    Draft Schedules 2024 now available on

    The updated Draft Schedules 2024, to be used for all International Events taking place next year, are now available on
    Below you will find the direct links to the Draft Schedules for each Discipline as well as the relevant contact email should you require further information and/or assistance: 
    Click here for Dressage
    Person in charge:

    Click here for Para Dressage
    Person in charge:

    Click here for Vaulting
    Person in charge:

    Click here for Driving and here for Para Driving
    Contact email:

    Click here for Endurance
    Contact email:

    The online schedules for Jumping and Eventing have also been updated.
    Contact email for Jumping:

    Contact email for Eventing:

  • 17 Nov 2023
    Campaign launch "Think OutsideThe Box  "

    We are pleased to inform you that the FEI will be launching a new campaign tomorrow called “Think Outside The Box” to raise awareness and provide solutions to minimise the risk of potential contamination and Equine Anti-Doping and Medication Controlled Regulations (EADMCR) violations, as well as potential health risks for horses, arising from certain behaviours and actions or lack-of in and around the stables.

    Initially created to attract the attention of the key stakeholders concerned by the EADMCRs ie riders, grooms and support personnel, and in a bid to inform and educate around contamination – often an unfortunate situation that could be avoided if the right precautions had been taken - the campaign was expanded to include general best-practice recommendations to make it relevant to the wider equestrian community and promote safety and wellbeing for horses, regardless of their competition status.

    A joint collaboration between the Education and Legal departments at the FEI, with very engaging and “shareable” content (you will be surprised by the video), we encourage all our stakeholders to join us in the promotion of this campaign so we can reach as many people as possible, and hopefully reduce contamination cases emanating from ill-informed behaviour, as well as providing the best practice recommendations to avoid contamination for horses out of competition and any potential health threats this might entail. 

    Dedicated Hub & Digital Assets To Download – English, French & Spanish
    We have created a dedicated portal - - available in three languages (English, French and Spanish) and have an array of digital assets which you can download and use on all your channels to proactively promote the campaign to you members, fans and followers. Download assets directly on #FEIThinkOutsideTheBox 

    They Support Us
    You will see on the portal, we have a section – They Support Us – where we have included the logos of all our Official Stakeholders, so please do let us know if you would like to be removed from this section, simply by contacting and alternatively if you are not included in this section, and would like to be featured, please also contact and let him know you would like to be added to that section with your logo.   

    Campaign Merchandising
    And finally, we have produced some bright and impactful merchandising for this campaign, which is available to all our “supporters” so please don’t to hesitate contact with the relevant delivery address and we will send you a pack of stickers, caps and tote bags with campaign branding. 

    We are also on the lookout for ambassadors – so if you would like to nominate/introduce us to potential ambassadors for the campaign, we are open to suggestions! 

    Please note all of the above is EMBARGOED until Friday 17 November 20:00 CET when the campaign is officially launched. We kindly ask that you refrain from posting any information, assets, visual, etc until 16:00 on Friday unless reposting from FEI channels.  


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