Sabrina Ibáñez (SUI)

FEI Secretary General since 2015.
FEI Director of Governance & Executive Affairs from 2011 to 2014.

Sabrina Ibáñez was appointed FEI Secretary General in January 2015 following a proposal to the FEI Bureau from FEI President Ingmar De Vos which received unanimous support.

Sabrina Ibáñez is also:
President of the Association of Paralympic Sport Organisations (APSO), 2017-present. She was re-elected for a further four-year term (2021-2025) at the APSO General Assembly in December 2021.
Member of the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) Governance Review Group, 2018-present.
Chair of the ASOIF Diversity and Gender Equality Consultative Group, 2020-present.
She was also a member of the IOC Gender Equality Working Group from  2018 to 2022.

Ibáñez holds a bachelor’s degree in Science in Communications and History from Boston University and a diploma in Sociology, Politics and Management of Sport Science from the Universities of Lausanne, Leicester, and Montpellier.

Ibáñez, who has been with the FEI since 1991, has served as FEI Director, Governance and Executive Affairs, and has also held the positions of Human Resources, Finance & Administration coordinator; Sports administrator; and Manager of the Secretary General’s office. She left the organisation briefly in 1995 to work in her family’s business in the USA, returning to the FEI in 1998.