12 Jul 2024
Update for National Federations

As you are aware, the FEI is committed to raising awareness among NFs and Stakeholders on the importance of Safeguarding and to provide key tools to NFs that have yet to take action on this delicate but crucial topic.

Below, please find several useful tools and sources of information in relation to Safeguarding:

FEI Safeguarding webinar for NFs, 23 May 2024 – Recordings available
The recordings of the FEI Safeguarding webinar for NFs are now available and can be accessed in the Harassment and Abuse section on Inside.FEI.org.

The webinar provided practical guidance to NFs on the following topics: 

  • Appointment of a Safeguarding Lead/Safeguarding Officer
  • Policy development, including use of the FEI templates (please see attached the templates)
  • Policy implementation

The webinar followed on from the FEI Sports Forum 2024 Safeguarding presentation, of which you can watch the replay here.

Please send any questions, feedback, and suggestions for future webinar topics you may have to safeguarding@fei.org. We welcome your input.


Safeguarding Policy and Report Form templates for NFs

The templates referred to in the FEI Safeguarding webinar are currently available in English and Spanish can be accessed in the Harassment and Abuse section on Inside.FEI.org.


FEI Safeguarding initiative at the FEI Vaulting Championships, Bern (SUI)

The FEI will be running a Safeguarding initiative on Tuesday 16 July 2024, at the FEI World Vaulting Championships in Bern to raise awareness among the equestrian community on the importance of Safeguarding.  The aim of this initiative is to raise awareness and provide guidance as to what each one of us can do to ensure a safe environment for everyone involved in equestrian sport.


The initiative will be comprised of two activities:

  • An interactive presentation/workshop for Chefs d’Equipe, Coaches, Trainers, Lungers, Support Personnel and all FEI Officials from10h30-11h30 in the Media Room.
  • A Safeguarding booth for athletes, grooms and support personnel from 12h – 15h by the canteen.


Please inform and encourage everyone attending the FEI World Vaulting Championships from your NF to participate in this important initiative.

If you have any questions, please contact safeguarding@fei.org.

We thank you in advance for your collaboration.