FEI EADCMRs - Changes for 2025

FEI Equine Anti-Doping and Controlled Medication Regulation Changes 2025

Out-of-Competition Testing

  • Horses testing positive out of competition will face a two-month suspension, aligning with in-competition protocols.
  • In Endurance, the Registered Trainer is considered the Person Responsible, with additional sanctions possible based on their level of fault or negligence.
  • In other disciplines, the Horse Owner is the Person Responsible, and the horse will face a two-month suspension, with no further consequences unless evidence of a breach is found.
  • The FEI is entitled to request Registered Trainers, Horse Owners and/or the Person Responsible to provide whereabouts information about their Horses(s) for the purpose of out of competition testing.

Special Procedure for Minors

The new rule extends the Special Procedure to Controlled Medication cases for minors, reducing suspension times and fines compared to adult penalties.

Consequences for Minors include

  • Disqualification of results.
  • A one-month suspension.
  • A CHF 500 fine and CHF 500–1,500 testing costs.
Administrative Fast-Track in Endurance

Registered Trainers in Endurance are now eligible for the fast-track procedure for first-time Controlled Medication violations, alongside Athletes, ensuring equal treatment.

Consequences for the Fast-Track Procedure

  • Disqualification of results and forfeiture of prizes.
  • CHF 1,500 fine and CHF 1,000–2,000 testing costs.
Hair & Fluids Samples
  • Hair testing is now available, extending the detection window for prohibited substances.
  • Saliva sampling has been added for non-invasive testing, such as during Endurance competitions.

Gene Doping and Cloning

  • Gene doping, genetic therapy, gene editing, and genome editing are now explicitly defined and added to the Equine Prohibited Substance List.
  • These changes will take effect on 1 April 2025.
Video about the Rules Changes 2025 (also available on FEI Campus)
Useful links
FEI Anti-Doping Rules (clean and mark-up versions)

If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out to legal@fei.org.