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FEI World Vaulting Championships & FEI European Vaulting Championships for Juniors: 30 July – 3 August, Brno (CZE) WORLD TEAM FINAL

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02 August 2008 Author: webmaster

Germany reveals the art of perfection

Accuracy, precision, intensity and sheer perfection rewarded the German team with Gold and thus confirmed their stronghold on the World title. Indeed, since the inception of the FEI World Vaulting Championships in 1986, held every two years, Germany have won every edition except 1988, 1990 and 1994 on all three occasions won by team Switzerland. This translates into an uninterrupted winning streak since 1996. Second place went to Austria with their captivating Jaws themed performance which had fish scrambling for cover as the Great White approached and invariably took a few. While team USA captured bronze to a Pink Floyd revival.

As Germany was the last team to go, the suspense in the lead up to their performance was at its peak, while the silence which enveloped the arena once the bell was rung marked a stark contrast to the screaming fans. Nobody moved an inch, for fear of missing a minute morsel of magic. From the moment they entered the arena to the last dismount, there was little doubt that this had been a world class, gold medal performance.  

Second placed Austrians stood out with their creative transitions and original composition. The difference which kept them form the top spot on the podium was the accuracy in the exercises, which Germany mastered superbly. In third place, team USA proved to be consistent from beginning to end with a solid composition. The deception which marked the faces of the Slovakian team members was apparent – as their fourth place became an evidence, having never won a medal at world Championships, this was a little too close to not feel the pinch or the pang of regret.

The next time these teams will compete for these honours will be at the Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games in Kentucky in 2010 – a momentous event showcasing all the best of horses port - now well into preparations.   Results
1.       Germany – 8.449
2.       Austria – 8.357
3.       USA – 8.114
4.       Slovakia – 7.812
5.       Switzerland – 7.636
6.       Italy – 7.536
7.       Sweden – 7.161
8.       Denmark – 7.091
9.       Brazil – 6.983
10.   Great Britain – 6.878
11.   The Netherlands – 6.652
12.   Columbia – 6.557