Nicolas Andreani (FRA) with Just a Kiss &
lunger Marina Dupon Joosten
lunger Marina Dupon Joosten
Thomas Brüsewitz (GER) with Danny Boy &
lunger by Patric Looser
lunger by Patric Looser
Julian Wilfling (GER) with Luino &
lunger Alexander Zebrak
lunger Alexander Zebrak
Lisa Wild (AUT) with Robin &
lunger Nina Rossin
lunger Nina Rossin
Simone Jäiser (SUI) with Luk &
lunger Rita Blieske
lunger Rita Blieske
Anna Cavallaro (ITA) with Harley &
lunger Nelson Vidoni
lunger Nelson Vidoni
Gera Marie Grün and Justin van Gerven (GER) with Danny Boy & lunger Patric Looser
Carola and Esther Sneekes (NED) with Nolan & lunger Marjo Sneekes
"I think I will only come to terms with this in the next few weeks. I will always remember this moment. I knew that it would be possible to win, but all the other vaulters are so brilliant you can never be sure."
"In Graz we had perfect conditions. This was fantastic, not just for the vaulters, but for our horses."