
As I mentioned under the Eventing Future topic, I stand in solidarity with the USEF's opinion on proposed changes to the format of Eventing (read at http://useventing.com/news/usef-response-fei-proposed-changes-eventing ). But I will take this opportunity to throw out some "pie in the sky" type ideas for possible ways the sport could change, and what the effects might be. Please bear in mind that I do not claim to be an expert and these are merely ideas; I'm brainstorming.

- The WEG and Olympics could be put on a CIC format (three or four stars depending on what the FEI decides to do with the level of competition at these events), or a format with CIC course specifications but in the traditional CCI order of dressage-xc-sj. This would help solve the Olympic problem of finding a suitable site for the xc as CIC courses are much shorter. It would also allow the long format to be restored for the CCI, which could have several benefits. First off, if pairs were required to complete a long format CCI at a given level before moving up, it would help ensure that the pair are absolutely fit and prepared for the higher level of competition, helping to reduce the risk of accident. Second, horses would have to be more fit, which should benefit their overall health and help weed out mounts unsuitable for the discipline in the early stages of their training. Third, this would hopefully help reverse the disturbing trend of compensating for the shorter endurance day with more complicated technical questions on XC, which has become a safety hazard as these fences cannot be jumped at a gallop - riders who have a horse that is difficult to rein in to a safe speed or who are (unwisely) rushing to make time often find themselves in very dangerous situations. One disadvantage is that this would quite clearly make the pinnacle of competition in this sport something besides the Olympics, but this is likely to happen anyway, so having a higher pinnacle elsewhere (long format 4*s) would at least allow the elite pairs to really show off this sport at its best.

- A "rider fitness" phase similar to that proposed by Dom Schramm at eventingnation.com/share-your-alternative-on-the-feis-proposed-changes (which is, IMO, a vital read in its entirety) could be instated- either a simple distance run or something more comprehensive such as the US Marine fitness test (3 mile run, 2 minutes of crunches, timed flex arm hang). How many times have we told someone we ride and gotten back "doesn't the horse do all the work?" Any rider knows this is not true, but a rider fitness phase would prove it to the rest of the world. It would also give us fitter riders - always a good thing to have - and, as Schramm mentioned, honor the military roots of the sport.

And this is not specific to the WEG/Olympics, but I toss it out there nonetheless:

- In an earlier stage of the revision process, the idea of adding another CCI/CIC level, at or slightly above the national level standard called "Training" in the US, was proposed. Frankly, this sounds like a good plan if we want the sport to expand: this would make it easier for countries where eventing is still in the developing stages to "cut their teeth" vis-a-vis international competition, and it would help more riders in all countries make the transition to FEI competition, leading to a wider base of competitors. Needless to say, this would bring in more revenue, interest and support for the sport. I'd love to see it come to pass.