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Education & Officials

At a glance…

  • FEI Campus 
  • FEI Education & Officials 

FEI Campus

In 2023, the number of users on FEI Campus rose to 38,083. To date, this platform offers a total of 125 online courses and examinations across a broad range of equestrian topics. An important factor that allows FEI Campus to grow and provide high-level academic horsemanship courses is the ongoing collaboration with the University of Zurich. These courses offer significant value to the Equestrian Community and set high standards, consequently awakening the interest of other educational establishments. 

A key addition to the platform in 2023 was the “Horse Welfare” hub. Presented with a video featuring the FEI President and the FEI Secretary General, this hub is composed of three fundamental courses; an updated version of “The Study” as well as two new courses named “Code of Conduct for the Welfare of the Horse” and “Ethics & Welfare – an introduction.” All courses related to horse welfare are now conveniently accessible within this hub.  

In 2023, FEI Campus also expanded its commitment to education by ensuring that each FEI Discipline has a Foundation Course. Consequently, a General Steward Module Level 1 was published, together with a discipline-specific module, which enables national Officials to pass the Level 1 Steward course online.  

In order to render education increasingly accessible, 15 Horsemanship courses were translated into Spanish and, following their successful launch, this translation project has expanded to include Chinese, with Arabic to follow. The National Federations of Japan, Finland and Turkey have also signed agreements with the FEI to translate courses and make them available on FEI Campus, hence contributing to making educational resources accessible to a global audience. 

FEI Education & Officials

Throughout 2023, the FEI Sports Departments and the FEI Veterinary Department made good use of the Officials Exchange Programme (OEP). In total, 97 Officials from 40 countries and seven Regional Groups received a financial contribution to their travel expenses. This allowed them to gain experience at international events and assisted them in fulfilling the requirements for transfer-up. 

The Transfer-Up courses saw 99 officials evaluated on their ability to solve unforeseen situations throughout the year and altogether 37 top-level officials completed the second phase of the Education Programme.

Read up on all the stats and projects in the dedicated FEI Education & Officials Section.