Annual Report 2021

A Message from the FEI President

Longines Editorial

FEI World of Sport

FEI Governance Highlights

FEI Solidarity

FEI Awards

FEI Facts and Figures

Financial Report

FEI... More than Sport

FEI Campus & FEI Education

FEI 100 Years

Thank You

Education & Officials

At a glance…

  • FEI Education systems & Foundation courses
  • FEI Campus: more courses, more languages
  • FEI Officials: Emergency Virtual Maintenance Programme


FEI Education System

The FEI Education System provides different pathways for international Officials within the FEI, by offering various levels of courses and seminars for Officials looking to maintain their credentials or achieve promotion.

Following the successful review and implementation of the Education System for Driving at the start of 2021, the FEI Education Department decided follow the same process with the Dressage and Veterinary Education Systems.

Foundation and introductory courses were added to the different discipline hubs throughout 2021 as the different Education Systems were reviewed.

Virtual courses were created to supplement the ongoing Education for Course Directors. Overall, 30 Course Directors attended these courses in 2021.

FEI Campus Translate

Throughout the year, several new courses have been added to FEI Campus while others have been reviewed. Several courses in the Horsemanship section were translated into Spanish in collaboration with the FEI Solidarity department. In the long run, the aim is to make FEI Campus courses as widely accessible as possible, by providing them in several languages.

Emergency Virtual Maintenance Programme (EVMP)

In May 2021, the FEI launched an Emergency Virtual Maintenance Programme (EVMP), to provide all FEI Group B Officials an opportunity to fulfil their maintenance requirements on time in 2021. The EVMP is composed of two mandatory elements – a CES Online Assessment and a Virtual Seminar – which must both be taken and passed by the Official. A special feature has been implemented in the FEI Database Course Calendar Module in order to facilitate and speed up the enrolment process of Officials by their National Federations for the Virtual Seminars.

Discover more of the 2021 highlights in the dedicated FEI Campus & FEI Education section.