Annual Report 2021

A Message from the FEI President

Longines Editorial

FEI World of Sport

FEI Governance Highlights

FEI Solidarity

FEI Awards

FEI Facts and Figures

Financial Report

FEI... More than Sport

FEI Campus & FEI Education

FEI 100 Years

Thank You

FEI Campus & FEI Education

FEI Campus… Equestrian knowledge at your fingertips

Launched in 2017, FEI Campus is a free of charge and cutting-edge e-learning platform with specific content and courses aimed at FEI Officials and stakeholders, as well as varied and certified content for the public on all aspects of horsemanship.

Constantly evolving, FEI Campus provides not only new courses on a regular basis, but also new sections, increasingly interactive features, videos and webinars. All this is done with the aim of creating an optimal user experience, reaching wider audiences globally and ultimately becoming THE number one reference in equestrian online education.


FEI Campus Stats


Percentage increase 2017-2021

FEI Campus Gender distribution




Top Ten most popular courses on FEI Campus


New in 2021

FEI Campus created additional content for both the general audience and FEI Officials, while developing new functionalities.


Ensuring horse welfare on a global level is at the heart of the FEI’s key values, and an important way of doing this is to allow for equestrian knowledge to be as accessible as possible to everyone around the world. This is why FEI Campus Translate was created in 2021.

¿Hablas Español?

Several key Horsemanship courses were translated into Spanish over the course of 2021 and more will be added in 2022.

The aim is to have courses available in other languages in the future to serve our knowledge-seeking general audience, and to provide Grooms in equestrian the opportunity to strengthen their theoretical knowledge and build on their understanding of the FEI Horse Welfare Guidelines. FEI Campus Translate courses also include English language training for non-native English speakers.


Building on the 2020 introduction of the Competency Evaluation System (CES) Online Assessments for FEI Officials only, a dedicated Maintenance section was built into the Officials’ personal Dashboards, allowing them to access information previously found in the discipline hubs.

This Maintenance tab is the first step in a series of improvements being developed to answer our Officials’ specific needs on FEI Campus. FEI Officials now have a centralised and personalised interface where they can access all of their assessments and monitor their progress.

FEI Officials

FEI Education System

With the FEI Education Systems for Dressage & Driving updated in 2021, Officials in both disciplines can now also use The Competency-based Evaluation System (CES).

The CES allows for all FEI Officials to be regularly evaluated on the different competencies required to officiate at a given function, level or discipline during the two phases of a function’s cycle: the Transfer-up and the Maintenance phase.

Explainer videos regarding the CES and its updates were made available to Officials here.

Maintenance Requirements 2021

Key changes were made to the Maintenance requirements in 2021 to better answer the specific needs of all FEI disciplines, offer a supportive structure for Officials looking to fulfil their maintenance requirements or return to officiating, and to guarantee a high level of officiating at all events.

The main improvements included:

  • no more groups A or B for 2022
  • an improved CES Online Assessment.

*Note that the Officiating Review will not take place until 2024.

The updates to the formats of both the CES Online Assessment and CES Maintenance Course are explained on the CES page here.

Curious to find out more?

Enrol free of charge on FEI Campus and benefit from a broad range of courses provided by experts!


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