Annual Report 2020

A Message from the FEI President

Longines Editorial

FEI World of Sport

FEI Governance Highlights

FEI Solidarity

FEI Awards

FEI Facts and Figures

Financial Report

FEI... More than Sport


FEI Campus

Thank You

FEI Endurance

Described as the ultimate challenge, Endurance riding involves extreme distances across breathtaking landscapes. Intense and tactical, the mental and physical demands of the sport provide a test of mind as much as body.


2020 FEI Endurance facts and figures



Registered Athletes


Registered Horses


International Events held of 1,327 scheduled


Events Cancelled (33% went ahead)

Monthly Breakdown of Events & Cancellations

Major Events 2020

Youth and Young Horse Championships

Endurance youth also experienced a tough 2020, as they had to go through the year with a limited number of events and no major championship. Having the possibility to showcase talent at this age is very important, just as it is to get a first feel for championship ambience and pressure, both at individual and team level.

Among the cancellations, the FEI European Championships for Juniors and Young Riders in Vic (ESP) had to be cancelled.

Experience and showcasing talent is equally important for horses as it is for athletes. This year Vic should have also provided the perfect platform for young horses, aged eight, across the 120km circuit to demonstrate their skills and reveal their potential as future stars of the international circuit.

Sadly here too, the laureates of 2020 remained unrevealed as it was not possible to see the championship take place.


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