Annual Report 2019

A Message from the FEI President

Longines Editorial

FEI World of Sport

FEI Governance Highlights

FEI Solidarity

FEI Awards

FEI Facts and Figures

Financial Report

FEI... More than Sport


The Aim

To assist active Coaches and develop their skills from grassroots to high performance coaching and ultimately play an active role in the development of the national sports structures through different types of support and assistance, including:

  • Courses for Jumping, Dressage, Eventing, Endurance, Vaulting and Para Dressage
  • Workshops
  • Scholarships
  • Ongoing education

The FEI launched in 2003 an ongoing Coach Education Programme for developing National Federations to organise their own coaching structure. The system uses an agreed syllabus and helps to develop the NFs’ sport through practicing National Coaches.

The FEI Coaching System (oriented towards competitions) is based on providing courses for Coaches under the direction of FEI appointed Tutors who will initiate the system in developing regions.

The Programme has grown since its start and is now offering courses in most of the FEI disciplines. In 2019 the FEI Solidarity Department worked on finalising the Level 2 course content in Vaulting as well as the Level 1 course content in Para Dressage.

Alongside courses organised in over 16 countries, including the first Level 1 course for Endurance Coaches in Africa (Botswana), a Tutors’ course took place in Ypäjä (FIN), where the content of the Level 2 Vaulting course for Coaches was tested before being finalised.


Coaches education in 2019


Courses organised in 2019


Coaches educated in 2019

More on the FEI Coach Education Programme can be found here.


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National Federation