How to embed a YouTube video in one press release

22 October 2019 Author: FEI


Please read and edit to view more ...

Important: the video must be first uploaded on YouTube as this is the easiest and more convenient support for our website.

In order to find your way easily in the "source" mode, please add one line of text such as "embed the video here" in the exact place where you want to show the video. Then, to embed the codes of the video, copied from YouTube (see separate procedure), you will have to switch to "Source" (first button in the above toolbar), locate your line of text then paste (use Ctrl V) the codes and finally switch back to this view by clicking on "source" again. Delete your line of text cheekyTo center your video, click on the iframe and select the icon in the above toolbar.

You will only be able to see the video once the press release will be saved, but if you see the below "window" with iframe in the centre, it's looking good.