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Averill SAUNDERS, Canadian Vaulting athlete.

Name Averill SAUNDERS
FEI ID 10136905
Gender Female
Date of Birth 16/04/2004
Competing for Canada - CAN
Registration Vaulting 2025
Last update 07/02/2023
FEI Database

Vaulting 70x70
Sport Specific Information
When and where did you begin this sport? She began riding at age six. She took up equestrian vaulting in 2012.
Why this sport? "When I first started vaulting, I was also jumping horses. I was also doing dance and gymnastics. The initial draw for me was really how it combined all of the things that I loved into one, and it just made me love it so much more than all of the other things on their own."
Club / Team Skystone Farm: Canada
Name of coach Daniel Janes [personal], USA
Further Personal Information
Residence Canada
Languages English